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laid could be a grammatical form of: lay »
Thug lán an bhata , he laid into him with the stick; he was quite a match for him.
~eadh síos leis na scoilteacha é, he was laid low, incapacitated, with rheumatism.
3. ~te suas le, laid up, lying, against.
fhaca ar bhuille mo dhá shúl riamh do leithéid, I never laid eyes on anyone else like you.
an ~ béil agat air, you have laid the framework for the job.
Dul chun na ~e, to die, to be laid to rest.
~adh le fiabhras é, he was laid low with fever.
Bhí ~tha ag slaghdán, I was laid up with a cold.
Cuireadh an taibhse faoi chónaí, the ghost was laid.
~ os cionn cláir, i gcónra, san uaigh, a body laid out, coffined, in the grave.
Bhí sínte ar a chothrom, he was laid out flat.
Bheith, dul, i g~, to be laid in earth, buried.
~ na seachtaine istigh aici, she has laid in provisions for the week.
ar chúl a chinn le ráithe, he has been laid up for three months.
Bean a dhearbhaigh air, it was a woman who laid an accusation against him.
Nocht an beo ~, it laid bare the raw flesh.
Comhcheilg dhuibheagánach, deep-laid conspiracy.
~ a bheith ort, to be laid up for a long time with illness.
~ an bhuailte, (layer of straw under) corn-sheaves laid out for threshing.
Sin an rud a dfhág sínte é, that is what laid him low, killed him.
Dfhág siad an milleán air, they laid the blame on him.
Chuir siad ~ ina choinne, they laid a trap for him.
Bhí lón bliana ~ againn, we had laid in a years supply.
Dimir siad an ~ dhearg air, they laid bloody hands on him.
Bheith ar ~, to be on the ground; to be laid low, fallen.
Bheith ar do ~, to be abed; to be laid up.
~ an fliú iad, they were laid up with the flu.
Is ann a ~adh a chnámha, it is there his bones were laid.
Níor ~ súil riamh air, I never laid eyes on him.
~ an milleán orm, he laid the blame on me.
~ orm le bata, he laid into me with a stick.
~adh as an obair iad, they were laid off the work.
Bheith ~tha suas, to be laid up.
~ le cré a chneas, he laid himself bare on the earth.
Chuireamar isteach ~, we laid in supplies.
Bhí sínte ó ~ (go) ladhar ar an urlár, he was laid flat out on the floor.
Bheith i do ~, to be lying down; to be laid up.
Bhí ~ bliana air, he was laid up for a year.
Bheith i do luí le fliú, to be laid up with the flu.
~ fada air, he is laid up a long time.
Rinne siad luíochán ~ an namhaid, they laid an ambush for the enemy.
Thug a sháith den bhata , I laid into him with the stick.
Shín lena dhorn , he laid me out with his fist.
Sin an ~ a raibh an t-iasc ann, that is the straw on which the fish was laid’, (as you can see) there is nothing left.
pingin mhaith sa ~ aige, he has a good sum laid by.
~ mhaith déanta agat, you have a good amount laid by.
Is é a thuar duit féin, it is what you laid in store for yourself.
Chuir a cheann in ~ a mháthar, he laid his head on his mothers lap.
Dul san ~, to be laid in earth, buried.
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