buille, m. (gs. ~, pl. -llí). 1. Blow, stroke. (a) ~a thabhairt do dhuine, do rud, to deal s.o., sth., a blow. ~ a tharraingt, a bhualadh (ar), to aim, strike, a blow (at). ~ a bhualadh le duine, to strike a blow with s.o., do a stroke of work along with s.o. Prov: Níl cáin sa bhuille nach mbuailtear, hard words break no bones. Tá an ~ buailte (agus an gaiste tabhartha), the die is cast. ~ a chosaint, a sheachaint, to guard, avoid, a blow. ~ a thabhairt agus ~ a chosaint, a sheachaint, to hit and parry a blow, keep one’s end up. Bheith sa bhuille mór ar dhuine, to be down on s.o. Luí na mbuillí a chur ar dhuine, to lay into, trounce, s.o. ~ ar bhuille, blow for blow. Ar aon bhuille, striking in unison. ~ de dhorn, de bhata, blow of fist, of stick. ~ boise, de bhos, smack. Ar bhuille boise, instantly. ~ faoi thuairim, random stroke, guess. ~ fill, treacherous blow. ~ sa bhéim, felling blow; competent stroke. Tá ~ sa bhéim fós ann, there is a kick left in him yet. ~ réidh, easy stroke. Is é an ~ réidh is fearr, easy does it; the quiet life is best. Ní mó a cháil ná a bhuille, he lives up to his reputation. Níl ~ bog ar bith ann, there is no chink in his armour. Is mór an ~ air é, it is a great blow to him. Sin é an ~, there’s the rub. ~ scoir, finishing stroke. (b) ~ oibre, stroke of work. ~ a bhaint as obair, to do a stroke of work. ~ marbh a ligean in obair, to slack at work. ~ speile, scythe stroke. Tá an féar ar a bhuille, the hay is lying in swaths. Tá ~ maith féir ar an ngort sin, there is a good cut, crop, of hay in that field. Féar a bhaint as a bhuille, to ted hay from swath. Duine a chur as a bhuille, dá bhuille, to put s.o. off his stroke, to upset s.o. Tá sé os cionn a bhuille, he is well able for his work. Ní dhearna sé ~ maitheasa ó loiteadh é, he never recovered fully from his injury. (c) ~iomartha, snámha, rowing, swimming, stroke. An ~ tosaigh, láir, deiridh, the bow-oar, the mid-oar, the stroke. Bád ocht m~, eight-oared boat. ~ a bhaint as an gcladach, to hug the shore. ~ rámha, de rámh, oar-stroke. Is deas do bhuille rámha, I like your style (of rowing). (d) ~ súl, glance. Ní fhaca mé ar bhuille mo dhá shúl riamh do leithéid, I never laid eyes on anyone else like you. (e) ~ dorú, cast of fishing-line. (f) ~ cloig, stroke of clock. Ar bhuille a haon, on the stroke of one. Ar bhuille, dhá bhuille, a chlog, at one, two, o’clock. 2. Beat. ~ croí, cuisle, heart-, pulse-, beat. ~ ceoil, beat in music. ~ suas, anuas, up-, down-, beat. 3. (a) (As adv.) A little, somewhat. ~ luath, mall, a bit soon, late. ~ beag fuar, slightly cold. Druid isteach ~, move in a bit. (b) I m~ a bheith, almost. Tá sé i m~ a bheith críochnaithe, it is almost finished.
Chuaigh an buille ~ air, the blow took effect on him.
Aithneoidh tú agat an béile, an buille, sin, you will feel the benefit of that meal, the effect of that blow.
Buille ~, heavy, distressing, blow.
Is troime a bhagairt ná a bhuille, his bark is worse than his bite.
Buille báis, goin bháis, deathblow, fatal wound.
Buille sa bhéim, felling blow.
Buille, pian, a bhodhrú, to deaden a blow, pain.
Bhuail sé buille de bhata orm, he struck me a blow with a stick.
~ ar an m~ is buille ar an mbuille, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Ár gcaidhleadh le buillí, le piléir, raining blows, bullets, on us.
Níl ~ sa bhuille nach mbuailtear, hard words break no bones.
Buille a cheapadh, to ward off a blow.
Focal, buille, a chur i g~, to drive home a statement, a blow.
Buille ~, resounding blow.
Chuaigh an buille sin i ndeas don chnámh, that thrust went home.
Téann focal le gaoth ach téann buille le ~, actions speak louder than words.
Buille a chosc, to stop a blow.
Thug mé ~ a bhuille dó, I returned his blow, struck him back.
Buille a chosaint, to ward off a blow.
Buille gan chosaint, unguarded blow.
An choscairt a fuair sé ó na buillí, the shock he suffered as a result of the blows.
Buille ~, shattering blow.
Chuir sé ~ ann le buille de bhata, he staggered him with a blow of a stick.
Is maith do bhuille tua i g~, I admire your work, your strength of arm.
Rinneadh ~ de le buille, he was doubled up with a blow.
Buille ~, strong, effective, blow.
Buille de bhata, blow of a stick.
Buille a dheasú ar dhuine, to aim a blow at s.o.
Buille sa ~, a blow on the mouth.
Chuaigh an buille sin go h~, that blow was sorely felt.
Buille, gortú, a fháil, to get a blow, a hurt.
Buille, gníomh, fill, treacherous blow, deed.
Cuir an buille i bh~, drive home the blow.
Buille ~, resounding blow.
5. Buille ~, missed blow.
~ a chur le buille, to add impetus to a blow.
An Claíomh Solais nár fhág riamh ~ buille, the Sword of Light whose stroke never failed.
Buillí a ghéarú, to sharpen blows.
~ buille, sharpening of blow, of stroke.
Ghoill an buille air, the blow hurt him.
~í móra agus buillí beaga, great talk and little action.
Buille gan ghrásta, merciless blow.