cuir as, v.t. & i. 1. Put out of; deprive of. (a) Duine a chur as obair, as a phost, to put s.o. out of work, out of his job. ~eadh as seilbh na háite iad, they were dispossessed of the place. Chuir tú as mo leaba mé, you made me get out of bed. Ná ~ as a bhealach é, don’t put him out of his way; don’t inconvenience him. Chuirfidís as do mheabhair thú, they would drive you out of your wits. S.a. ainm 1(a), aithne1 2. (b) Rud a chur as áit, as alt, to dislocate sth. Chuir tú as gléas é, you put it out of order. Ná ~ as úsáid é, don’t make it unusable. S.a. buille 1(b), pian1 1, riocht 1. 2. Put out, extinguish. Solas, tine, a chur as, to put out a light, a fire. ~ as na coinnle, put out the candles. 3. Emit. Uaill, scairt, a chur asat, to give a howl, a shout. Níl an tine ag cur mórán teasa aisti, the fire is not giving out much heat. 4. Vet: Cast. Chuir an láir searrach aisti, the mare cast a foal. 5. Add to, extend. Píosa a chur as rud, to add a piece to sth. Chuir sé fad siar as a theach, he extended his house towards the back. 6. ~ as do, disconcert. Cad é atá ag cur as duit? What’s bothering you? Chuir sé as dom go mór, I was very much put out by it. Tá amaidí ag cur as dó, he has taken a foolish notion into his head.
Chuir sé as a n-~ iad, he sent them astray.
Níor chuir mé aon duine ~ ná as, I made no reference to anybody in particular.
Ná cuir as an solas orm, don’t put out the light on me.
Cuir, ceangail, as a chéile iad, place, tie, them end to end.
Cuir as an solas, put out the light.
Cuireadh as ~ na diallaite é, he was thrown out of the saddle.
Ná cuir thú féin as do bhealach leis, don’t put yourself out about it.
Bheith ag cur as aon bhonn (amháin), to co-operate, work to common plan.
Cuirfidh mise as a chigilteacht é, I’ll make him sit up.
Chuir an capall ~ as, the horse whinnied.
~ amach as do cheann é, put it out of your head.
~ as bealach, inconvenience.
~ as coróin, dethronement.
~ as eagar, disarrangement.
~ as seilbh, dispossession.
Sagart a cuireadh as a ~, an unfrocked priest.
Chuir sé ~ as sa chúinne, he muttered something in the corner.
Chuir siad fuil as ~í lena chéile, they battered one another.
Chuirfinn ~ as, I would bet on it; I am certain of it.
Lig sé ~, chuir sé, ~ as, he grunted.
Cuireadh as a n-ionaid iad, they were moved from their places.
Ná cuir as a mheabhair é, don’t drive him to distraction.
Chuir sé míle ~ as, he cried blue murder.
Cuireadh as ~ iad, they were put out of work.
Cuireadh le ceird as a ~ é, he was put to a trade as a youth.
Cuir as ~ é, put an end to his suspense.
Chuir sé ~ cainte as, he let loose a torrent of speech.
Chuir sé ~ as, he let a shriek out of him.
Chuir sé ~ as le drochmheas ar mo chuid cainte, he snorted with contempt at what I said.
Ná cuir thú féin as do shlí leis, don’t put yourself out to do it.
Chuir sé ~ as le drochmheas, he snorted in contempt.