cuir ar, v.t. & i. 1. (a) Place on. Rud a chur ar sheastán, ar an urlár, to put sth. on a stand, on the floor. Chuir mé ar mo cheann, ar an tairne, é, I put it on my head, on the nail. (b) Set in a position. Duine a chur ar a chosa, ar shlat a dhroma, to put s.o. on his feet, on the flat of his back. Rud a chur ar a fhad, ar a chorr, to put sth. lengthways, on its edge. ~ ar aghaidh, ar gcúl, é, put it forward, back. (c) Set on a course of action. Duine a chur ar aistear, ar thóir ruda, to send s.o. on a journey, in search of sth. Rud a chur ar cois, ar siúl, to set sth. afoot, going. ~igí ar na cosa, take to your heels. (d) Set in a place or position to perform a function. Duine a chur ar obair, ar fhoireann, to put s.o. on a job, on a team. ~ meitheal ar do chuid móna, get a working party to cut your turf for you. ~eadh ar an rámh tosaigh mé, I was put on the bow oar. Chuir sé a chlann ar coláiste, he sent his children to college. Chuir mé na ba ar féarach, I put the cows out to grass. (e) Submit to. Rud a chur ar vóta, to put sth. to a vote. ~eadh an áit ar ceant, the place was put up for auction. Chuir sé an teach ar cíos, he let the house. (f) Bring into a state or condition. Duine a chur ar meisce, ar buile, to make s.o. drunk, mad. Chuir tú ar a suaimhneas iad, you put them at their ease. Rud a chur ar maos, ar crochadh, ar triomú, to put sth. to soak, to hang, to dry. ~eadh ar cairde, ar neamhní, é, it was put in abeyance, brought to nothing. (g) Switch on. An solas a chur air, to put on the light. (h) Intensify. Tá an stoirm ag cur air, the storm is increasing. 2. Cover, enclose, with; attach, affix, apply, to; provide with. (a)Éadach, bróga, a chur ar dhuine, to put clothes, shoes, on s.o. Clár a chur ar rud, to put a lid on sth. Fál a chur ar áit, to put a fence round a place. ~ scáth air, put a shade over it. ~ ort, get dressed. (b) Doras a chur ar theach, to put a door on a house. Roth a chur ar charr, to put a wheel on a car. Cnaipe a chur ar chóta, to put a button on a coat. Boinn a chur ar bhróga, to put soles on shoes. Cuir stampa agus seoladh ar an litir, stamp and address the letter. ~fimid páipéar nó péint air, we will paper or paint it. Chuir mé dath dearg air, I coloured it red. (c) Snaidhm a chur ar rud, to tie a knot on sth. Teaghrán a chur ar ainmhí, to tether an animal. ~ an glas ar an doras, lock the door. Chuir mé sreangán air, I put a string round it. (d) Salann a chur ar bhia, to put salt on food. Bainne a chur ar an tae, to put milk in the tea. ~siúcra air, sugar it. (e) Riail, slat tomhais, a chur ar rud, to run a rule, a measuring-rod, over sth. (f) Ucht a chur ort féin, to stick out one’s chest. Chuir sé cluas air féin, he pricked up his ears. ~fidh mé cnapán ort, I’ll raise a lump on you. 3. (a) Bring to, do to. Ord a chur ar rudaí, to put things in order. Chuir sí bail ar na seomraí, she did up the rooms. Chuir tú cuma mhaith air, you gave it a good appearance. ~fidh sé athrú mór orthu, it will change them greatly. (b) Cause to. Ocras, tuirse, codladh, a chur ar dhuine, to make s.o. hungry, tired, sleepy. Ná ~ fearg air, don’t anger him. Chuir sé an slaghdán orm, it gave me a cold. Chuir tú an ruaig orthu, you chased them away. (c) Impose on, subject to. Cúram, dualgas, a chur ar dhuine, to place a responsibility, a duty, on s.o. Luach, cáin, a chur ar rud, to put a value, a tax, on sth. Chuir siad costas mór orm, they put me to great expense. ~eadh mionn, triail, air, he was put on oath, on trial. Is beag an chomaoin a chuir sé ort, he didn’t put you under much of a compliment. (d) Ascribe, impute, to. An mhaith, an t-olc, a chur ar dhuine, to report good, evil, of s.o. Ná ~ an locht ormsa, don’t blame me. ~eadh air gur ghoid sé é, he was accused of stealing it. Sin an cháil a ~eadh air, that was the reputation he got. (e) Invoke, bring, on. Beannacht, mallacht, a chur ar dhuine, to invoke a blessing, a curse, on s.o. An t-ádh a chur ar dhuine, to wish, to bring, s.o. luck. Bhí sé ag iarraidh meas a chur air féin, he was trying to win respect. (f) Engage in, challenge to. Caint, comhrá, a chur ar dhuine, to engage s.o. in talk, in conversation. Chuir sé troid orm, he challenged me to fight. ~im ort, I challenge you. (g) Address to, examine on. Ceist a chur ar dhuine, to put a question to s.o. ~ a gceachtanna ar na páistí, examine the children on their lessons. (h) Acquire of. Eolas a chur ar rud, to get to know sth. Aithne a chur ar dhuine, to become acquainted with s.o. (i) Issue to. Cuireadh a chur ar dhuine, to issue an invitation to s.o. Chuir siad bagairt orm, they threatened me. (j) Emit at. Béic a chur ar dhuine, to yell at s.o. Chuir sé búir orainn, he roared at us. (k) Force on. Bia a chur ar dhuine, to compel s.o. to take food. ~eadh air le spúnóg é, it was fed to him with a spoon. (l) Pass off on. Chuir sé airgead bréige orm, he passed off counterfeit money on me. Ná ~ an bhó bhradach sin air, don’t palm off that thieving cow on him. (m) Express in, translate into. Focail a chur ar rud, to express sth. in words. ~ Béarla air, put it into English. (n)(Of wager) Place on. Geall a chur ar chapall, to put a bet on a horse. ~fidh mé an deich ar an aon leat, I’ll bet ten to one against you. 4. Affect adversely. Tá a chroí ag cur air, his heart is troubling him. Chuir an siúl orm, the walk affected me. ~eann an obair orthu, the work distresses them. Bhí an aimsir ag cur orainn, the weather was against us. S.a. ar aghaidh 2: aghaidh1, críoch1 3(b).
1) Bhí orm a chur, a cur, a gcur, ar scoil, I had to send him, her, them, to school.
Chuir sé ~ orm é, he persuaded me of it.
Cuirim mar ~ ort, I entreat you.
Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness.
Ó théann (sé) ~ go dtéann, ná cuir bac air, since he is going, which he is, don’t stop him.
Chuir sé ~ orm, he made me feel embarrassed.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ar do chroí, it would delight your heart.
Cuir ar ~ é, send, put, it back.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ort, it is disgusting.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.).
Chuir siad ~ na mbó maol ar a chéile, they quarrelled on first acquaintance.
Cuireadh ~ air gur ghoid sé é, he was reported to have stolen it.
Cuirfidh tú ~ ort féin ag casadh do bhéil mar sin, you will distort your face grimacing like that.
Cuir an t-éadach leapa ~ air, cover him with the bedclothes.
Chuir sí ciarsúr ~ ar a ceann, she covered her head with a handkerchief.
Chuir sé ~ ar mo chroí, it gladdened my heart.
Ar mo chuireadh, at my invitation.
Chuir sé amach a theanga orm, he put out his tongue at me.
Ná cuir as an solas orm, don’t put out the light on me.
An gort ar cuireadh an síol ann, the field in which the seed was sown.
Níl aon ní eile ag cur ~e air, nothing else concerns, bothers, him.
Chuir mé ~ beag ar an litriú, I have made minor alterations in the spelling.
Cuir ~ ar an teach, put the house in order.
Chuir sí ~ ar a cuid gruaige, a cuid éadaigh, she did her hair, tidied her clothes.
Chuir sé ~ ar na bróga dom, he mended the shoes for me.
Chuir sé a bhail féin ar an scéal, he told his own version of the story.
Cuir an bháin ar an gcuntar, put your silver on the counter.
Cuir ort do bhalcaisí, put on your clothes.
Chuirfeadh sé an dubh ina bhán ort, he would persuade you that black was white.
Cuir ~ ort féin, restrain yourself.
Ná cuir ~ air, don’t dishearten him.
Cuir ~ faoi, ar a bhéal faoi, é, place it upside down.
Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
Cuir ~ ime ar an arán, put a taste of butter on the bread.
Chuir sí ~ ar an tine, she put fuel on the fire.
Bhíog sé nuair a chuir mé mo lámh air, he gave a start when I put my hand on him.
Chuir sé ~ ar a chuid airgid, he put his money to good use.
Sin an rud a chuir ar a bhoinn é, that is what set him up, made him.
Cuir do bhos ar do bhéal faoi, keep it to yourself, don’t speak about it.
Chuir, bhuail, sé ~ ar a éadan, he gave his face a quick wash, a lick and a promise.
Chuir tú an ~ air, you spoiled it completely.
Chuir sé an cheist sin orm do mo bhrath, he put that question to me in order to try me out.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Cuir ~ ar na páistí sin, call those children to order.
Chuir sí a ~ ~ uirthi, she put on her finery, trinkets.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ar na naoimh, he would belie the saints.
Ní chuirfidh mé ~ ar na mairbh, I will not gainsay the dead.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he began to sulk.
Chuir sé ~ orm, it disgusted me.