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building could be a grammatical form of: build »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for building »
building, s. 1 Déanamh m, foirgneoireacht f. Building site, áit tógála, áit fhoirgníochta. Building contractor, conraitheoir m foirgníochta. The building trade, an fhoirgníocht. 2 Foirgneamh m, teach m, áras m.
Along the road buildings soon arose, ba ghairid gur tógadh tithe ar thaobhanna an bhealaigh.
The house is building, is being built, an teach á dhéanamh.
Toys: Building blocks, bloicíní tógála.
Building estimate, meastachán tógála.
The foundations of a building, bunsraith f foirgnimh.
To lay a building in ashes, foirgneamh a dhó go talamh, a fhágáil ina luaithreach.
To lay a building level with the ground, foirgneamh a leagan go lár talún.
To project beyond the building line, gobadh amach thar an líne tógála.
Building material, ábhar m tógála.
Municipal buildings, halla m (na) cathrach.
Building plot, láthair f tógála.
To survey a building for quantities, suirbhéireacht a dhéanamh ar chainníochtaí foirgnimh.
Our house ranges with the next building, an teach seo againne ar aon líne leis an tógáil in aice leis.
To raze a building to the ground, foirgneamh a leagan go talamh.
Ribbon building, tógáil feadh an bhóthair.
He made sad work of building the house, is ainnis an iarracht a thug ar an teach a thógáil.
Building shed, bothán m saoir.
Building site, láithreán m tógála.
Building slip, f longthógála.
Building timber, adhmad saoirseachta.
Unused building, foirgneamh tréigthe.
F: The building is a mere wreck, an foirgneamh ina fhothrach, tite chun raice ar fad.
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