building, s. 1 Déanamh m, foirgneoireacht f. Building site, áit tógála, áit fhoirgníochta. Building contractor, conraitheoir m foirgníochta. The building trade, an fhoirgníocht. 2 Foirgneamh m, teach m, áras m.
Along the road buildings soon arose, ba ghairid gur tógadh tithe ar thaobhanna an bhealaigh.
The house is building, is being built, tá an teach á dhéanamh.
Toys: Building blocks, bloicíní tógála.
Building estimate, meastachán tógála.
The foundations of a building, bunsraith f foirgnimh.
To lay a building in ashes, foirgneamh a dhó go talamh, a fhágáil ina luaithreach.
To lay a building level with the ground, foirgneamh a leagan go lár talún.
To project beyond the building line, gobadh amach thar an líne tógála.
Building material, ábhar m tógála.
Municipal buildings, halla m (na) cathrach.
Building plot, láthair f tógála.
To survey a building for quantities, suirbhéireacht a dhéanamh ar chainníochtaí foirgnimh.
Our house ranges with the next building, tá an teach seo againne ar aon líne leis an tógáil in aice leis.
To raze a building to the ground, foirgneamh a leagan go talamh.
Ribbon building, tógáil feadh an bhóthair.
He made sad work of building the house, is ainnis an iarracht a thug sé ar an teach a thógáil.
Building shed, bothán m saoir.
Building site, láithreán m tógála.
Building slip, cé f longthógála.
Building timber, adhmad saoirseachta.
Unused building, foirgneamh tréigthe.
F: The building is a mere wreck, tá an foirgneamh ina fhothrach, tite chun raice ar fad.