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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for range »
range1, s. 1 a Sraith f (tithe). b Sraithraon m (cnoc), sliabhraon m. 2 Treo f. 3 a Réimse m féaraigh; réimse m fiaigh. He has free range of the house, rith an aige. b Nat.Hist: Réimse m (planda, ainmhí). 4 a Raon m, réim f. Range of knowledge, réim eolais. Range of vision, raon radhairc. Within speaking range, i ngaireacht chainte. Range of a telescope, raon teileascóip. The whole range of polls, gnó na polaitíochta ar fad. Out of my range, thar m'eolas. (Of writer) To go outside his range, dul taobh amuigh raon. b Range of the barometer, raon an bharaiméadair. Av: Wide range of speeds, réim mhór luas. Range of colours, réim dathanna. Wide range of patterns, an-fhlúirse patrúin éagsúla. c The whole range of events, na cúrsaí uile go léir. 5 Ball: Raon m. At a range of . . ., ar aon  . . . At long range, ar fhadraon. To correct  the range, an raon a cheartú. At effective range, laistigh de raon éifeachtach. Aeroplane out of range, eitleán as raon (na ngunnaí). 6 Shooting-range, raon lámhaigh. 7 Dom.Ec: Sorn m.
range2 . I v.tr. 1 a Cuirim (trúpaí) i ranganna. b Grádaím, rangaím. To range oneself with s.o., dul i leith, i bpáirt, duine. 2 Téim fan (dúiche, abhann). 3 a Raonálaim (teileascóp). b Abs.Artil: Raonálaim (an lámhach). II v.i. 1 a Síneann, ritheann(from one place to another, ó áit go háit). Island that ranges along the mainland, oileán atá sínte le tír mór. b Our house ranges with the next building, an teach seo againne ar aon líne leis an tógáil in aice leis. 2 Siúlaim thart, téim thart. To range over the country, an tír uile a shiúl. Research ranging over a wide field, taighde a bhfuil scóip fhairsing aige. 3 Temperatures ranging from ten to thirty degrees, teochtaí óna deich go dtí a tríocha de ghráid. 4 These guns range over six miles, raon mhíle ag na gunnaí seo.
Range boiler, sornchoire m.
Mil: Error in range, raonearráid.
Artil: To lessen the range, an raon a ghiorrú.
Mountain range, sliabhraon m.
(Of artist) To go outside his range, dul thar a chumas, thar a shnáithe.
Within the range, the bounds, of possibility, i ndán ar chor ar bith gur féidir.
Artil: To under-estimate the range, an raon a mheas róghearr.
Within the range of vision, ar feadh radhairc.
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