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bíodh le leat gur loic , let it not be cast up to you that you defaulted.
~ ar éirigh ar maidin, when I got up in the morning.
Ag ~, exercising oneself, limbering up.
~ aige ar obair throm, he can stand up to heavy work.
h~ fearg, troid, dont stir up anger, a fight.
ag rith ar chos in ~, he will trip himself up.
Thuas, in airde, san ~, up in the air.
an ghrian ar an ~, the sun is up.
Chaith in, san, ~ é, he threw it up, abandoned it.
~ ann féin, he is stuck-up, he speaks to nobody.
Chuaigh in ~, he became stuck-up.
Ghoin a ~ é, he pricked up his ears, became alert.
Rinne sibh ~ fada aréir, you sat up late last night.
Bhí ~ mhór air, a large sum was taken up in offerings at his funeral.
an t-~ istigh, time is up.
~ a chur sa chuideachta, sa cheol, to liven up the company, the music.
Shuigh ~ sa leaba, he sat up in bed.
Suigh ~ anseo, sit up here.
Teacht ~, to come up.
~ an staighre, an bóthar, (coming) up the stairs, the road.
ón trá, as an tobar, up from the strand, out of the well.
Bhí an t-uisce ~ go glúine orm, the water was up to my knees.
a cheann ~ aige, he has his head up (above ground, water).
An fear ~, the man who is coming up.
~ as an tír, up from the country.
~ amach, up from a distant part of the country.
Ag teacht ~ sa saol, rising up in the world, prospering.
a gclann ag éirí ~, their children are growing up.
Nuair a tháinig ~ , when he grew up.
Tháinig ~ air, he brightened up.
Ar éirí dom, when I get, got, up.
a chuid aráin ite, it is all up with him.
In ~ an tsléibhe, high up on the mountain.
a shúil ~, he is looking up, ambitious.
Do chroí, do mheanma, a ardú, to lift up ones heart, spirits.
D’~ a lámha agus a súile, she raised up her hands and eyes.
~ an sac orm, lift up the sack on me.
Giar a ardú, to change up gear.
Chuaigh na maidí rámha in ~ orthu, their oars got mixed up.
Dóige a athshamhlú duit féin, to conjure up ones youth.
Cúig a bhailiú isteach, to pick up a five, a trick.
Ag cruinniú roimhe is ag bailiú ina dhiaidh, gathering up everything he can lay hands on.
5. Bheith bailithe de rud, to be fed up with sth.
i mo bhall séire acu, they have got me all mixed up.
Rud a thabhairt ar ~, to bring up, refer to, sth.
solais, lasrach, the house is all lit up, aflame.
an duine bocht ag ~, it is all up with the poor fellow.
An ~ a sheasamh, to stand up to heavy pounding; to endure hard work.
Cuir ~ faoi dioscaidí, [’grease your hams’, quicken your pace, hurry up.
~ a chur ar, faoi, dhuine, to shut s.o. up.
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