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cos could be a grammatical form of: co »
cos, f. (gs. coise, npl. ~a, gpl. ~; ds. cois used in certain phrases). 1. Leg; foot. ~ duine, ainmhí, éin, leg of person, of animal, of bird. ~ boird, cathaoireach, leg of table, of chair. ~ seastáin, pota, leg of stand, of pot. ~ stoca, leg of stocking. ~ tosaigh, deiridh, front, hind, leg. ~ bhata, chrainn, mhaide, wooden leg. ~a croise, ~a fuara, stilts. Fig: ~a fuara, uninvited guests. Tine na g~ fuar, poor fire. Ar aon chois, (i) on one leg; one-legged, (ii) lacking half ones resources. Do chosa a chur fút, to get on ones feet. Níl ~ aige le cur faoi, he is footless, very drunk. Duine a chur ar a chosa, to set s.o. on his feet. Bhí ar a chois go moch, he was early afoot. an leanbh ar a chosa, the child is standing up, able to stand on his feet. ar mo chosa ó mhaidin, I am on my feet all day. Fan ar do chois nóiméad, stand, wait, a minute. Diompaigh ar a chois, he turned on his heel. Amadán ar a chosa, a thorough fool. Duine a bhaint, a chur, chosa, to knock s.o. off his feet. Dimigh na ~a uaidh, as faoi, his feet went from under him. Thit i gceann a chos, he fell feet foremost. Bhain na ~a uaidh, you cut the feet from under him. Siúl de chois, to travel on foot. Tháinig de shiúl a chos, he came on foot. Siúl ar, de, chosa tirime, to walk dry-footed. Cur sna ~a, to make off. ~ a choinneáil le duine, to keep pace with s.o. ~ ar chois le, step by step with. In éadan do chos, with unwilling step, unwillingly. Bhí ag tarraingt na g~ ina dhiaidh, he was dragging his feet. rachainn fad mo choise leis, I would not walk a step with him. An rachaidh leis? rachaidh mo chos. Will you go with him? No, not a foot. Do chosa a ghéarú, a mhoilliú, to quicken, slacken, ones pace. Cead a chos a thabhairt do dhuine, to let s.o. go his way. cead na coise leis, he can go where he pleases. Rug a chosa leis, he made his escape. Dimigh an méid, chomh géar is, a bhí ina chosa, he made off as fast as his legs could carry him. ~ a leagan ar, to set foot on. Áit do choise a bhaint amach, to gain a foothold. ~ a chur i bhfeac, i dtaca, i dtalamh, i dteannta, to get a firm foothold, dig ones feet in. ~ i dtaca, i láimh, i mbos, a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a leg up. An chos is fearr a bhí aige, his best support. ~ a chur thar an g~ eile, to cross ones legs. Níl in ann ~ a chur thar an g~ eile, I am completely exhausted. I gcois leith air, astride it. Bhí ~ thall agus ~ abhus aige, he was unsteady on his feet, irresolute. Chuir a dhá chos daon taobh, he gathered himself, became resolute. Ag cur a chos uaidh, (of horse) flinging out its hoofs, (of person) displaying temper, talking angrily. Ag éirí ar a chosa deiridh. (of animal) rearing up, (of person) becoming obstreperous. ~ a chur as obair, as rud a dhéanamh, to set about a task, about doing sth. ~ a chur as scéal, to inquire into a story, a matter. Cuirfidh siad ~a, ceithre ~a, na hocht gcosa, faoin scéal, they will lend wings to the story. Chuirfeadh ~a crainn faoi na cearca, he would work wonders. Fig: ~ ar siúl, gadabout. ~ ina cónaí, stay-at-home. Prov: fhaigheann ~ ina cónaí dada, one must seek out opportunities. Faoi chois, underfoot. Rud a chur faoi chois, to trample on sth.; to suppress sth. Bheith faoi chosa daoine, an tsaoil, to be trampled on, oppressed. an áit faoina gcosa acu, they are trampling all over the place. Gabháil de chosa i nduine, to use the feet, trample, on s.o. Bheith i gcosa, in imeall na g~ ag, daoine, to hang about people, be in peoples way. Fan sna ~a acu, stay with them, follow them closely. ~ ar bolg, oppression. Prov: An a bhíos thíos buailtear ~ air, the lowly is sure to be oppressed. Leag, buail, luigh, ~ air, keep it dark. ~ i bpoll a chur le rud, to do away with sth. Bheith in áit chos an ghadaí, to be open to suspicion. Prov: Bíonn ~a crua ar chapall iasachta, faoi chapall na comharsan, a borrowed horse is hard of foot’, borrowing leads to abuse. Le haghaidh na coise tinne, for the rainy day. a chosa nite, it is all up with him. ~ amuigh agus ~ istigh san uaigh aige; ~ leis san uaigh (agus an chos eile ar a bruach), he has one foot in the grave. S.a. (in) airde1, bacóide, cor1 1(c), deil1 1(a), éadan 4(a), leac 3(b), maide 1(b), muileann 4. 2. Mil. Hist: Idir chos agus each, both horse and foot. 3. (pl.) Underlings. Prov: labhair leis na ~a bhíonn an ceann sa láthair, one should try to deal with the proper authorities. féin ba mheasa ach na ~a a bhíodh amuigh uaidh, he himself was not too bad but for his hirelings. S.a. saighdiúir 1. 4. (Of childrens game) ~a buí arda, high gates. 5. Handle; shaft, stem. ~ spáide, scuaibe, scine, casúir, tua, handle of spade, of brush, knife, of hammer, of axe. ~ píopa, stem of pipe. ~ fuipe, crop of whip. ~ cleite, quill of feather. ~ rámha, shaft of oar. ~ eochrach, shank of key. ~ a chur i rud, to put a handle in sth. 6. Lower end. ~ leapa, uaighe, foot of bed, of grave. Suí ag ~a an bhoird, to sit at the foot of the table. 7. ~ (talaimh), (a) small measure of land. (b) Hist: One forty-eighth of a ploughland. ~ mhóna, bank of turf. 8. Bot: Stem, haulm. ~ dubh, maiden-hair. ~ ghé, lus coise , goosefoot. 9. F: ~ dhubh, scurvy. 10. ~a gréine, downward shafts of sunlight, sun drawing water. 11. Cois, de chois, i gcois, at the foot of; along, beside. Cois cnoic, balla, carraige, at the foot of a hill, of a wall, of a rock. Cois abhann, cladaigh, cuain, beside a river, a shore, a harbour. Cois na tine, beside the fire. Comhrá cois tine, fireside talk. S.a. a4 2. 12. (a) Le cois, along with. Ag siúl lena chois, walking along with him. A chú lena chois, his hound at his side, keeping pace with him. Cuireadh a chlú lena chois, his reputation followed him. S.a. comhartha 8. (b) Le cois, in addition to. Le cois a thuarastail, along with his salary. Le cois a bhfuair cheana, in addition to what he already received. Pingin le cois, a penny over and above. Lena chois sin, along with that; besides. Le cois go raibh fearg air, along with his being angry. Le cois nach fiú sin é, besides its not being worth that. (c) Bhí le cois, he was very angry. 13. Ar cois, afoot. rud éigin ar cois, there is something going on.
(Of shoes) Thug na cosa ~ iad, the feet moulded them.
Scian coise adhairce, horn-handled knife.
ag rith ar chos in ~, he will trip himself up.
~ na coise, an mhurnáin, ankle-joint.
bíodh do chos ~ agat mar sin, dont have your foot stuck out like that.
Is fada ~ a thug do chosa thú, you are intruding where you are not wanted.
ar muir, ar cíos, ar cosa in airde, on sea, rented, galloping. In qualified or particularized references it lenites, e.g.
Ar rothaí, ar cheithre cosa, on wheels, on four legs.
ceann, cosa, air, it has a head, legs.
Ar chos bhacóide, standing, hopping, on one leg.
Léim a ghearradh ar chos bhacóide, to hop on one leg.
Cos bhacóide a dhéanamh, to stand, hop, on one leg.
Cois ~, near, here at, home.
~eadh ( chosa) sa doimhneacht é, he was taken off his feet in the deep water.
Bhain an dealg as mo chos, he removed the thorn from my foot.
Bhain as (amach); bhain na cosa as; bhain as na cosa, na boinn, é, he ran away as fast as he could.
~eadh an chos de, his leg was amputated.
~eadh chosa, threoir, é, he was taken off his feet, put off his stride.
Ag ~t na sál, na gcos, chéile, treading on each others heels; tripping over each other in their hurry.
~eadh mo chosa uaim, I was taken off my feet.
Ó bhaithis (an chinn) go bonn (na coise), from head to foot, all over.
i mo bhambairne (ag cos thinn, ó cailleadh an capall orm), I am in a predicament, frustrated (with a sore foot, since I lost my horse).
Bhí ag siúl ar bharra a chos, he was walking on tiptoe.
~ ar a chos, standing crop.
Ag siúl ar bharraicíní na gcos, walking on tiptoe.
~adh a chos, his leg was crushed.
~ coise, footway, track.
Rug na cosa, na sála, leis, he took to his heels; he got away.
ag an doras, ar an urlár, sa tine, faoi do chos, it is at the door, on the floor, in the fire, under your foot.
cos bhocht air, his leg is in a bad state (with injury).
mo chos ~, I have no feeling in my leg.
~ do chos, do lámh, get a move on, get busy.
Níor bhog cos, he didnt stir a foot.
~ coise, sole of foot.
Faoi bhoinn do chos, under the soles of your feet, underfoot.
Tháinig anuas ar a bhoinn, ar bhoinn a chos, he fell on his feet.
Imeacht sna boinn, i do chosa boinn, to go barefoot.
Cosa ~a, bandy legs.
Is í a máthair ~ cos í, she is the image of her mother.
5. ~ na coise, instep.
~ do chos, dont break your leg.
siad ag ~eadh na gcos ina dhiaidh, they are forever running after him; they are crazy about him.
~ na gcos chugat! Bad cess to you!
Cos bhriste, fractured leg.
mo chosa ~ fúm, I am foot-weary (from standing, walking).
Rinneadh ~ de mo chos, my leg was crushed.
~ mo chos, dont crush my foot.
a cheann agus a chosa ~te ar a chéile, he is bent double.
~ síos le do chos é, beat it down with your foot.
Thit i m~ a chos, he collapsed.
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