bain as, v.t. & i. 1. Take, remove, from. An mhaith, an t-olc, an bhrí, a bhaint as rud, to take the good, the harm, the strength, out of sth. An ghoimh a bhaint as rud, to take the venom out of sth. An bród, an leisce, an cotadh, a bhaint as duine, to take the pride, the laziness, the shyness, out of s.o. ~ as mo thuarastal é, deduct it from my salary. ~ do lámh as do phóca, take your hand out of your pocket. ~ greim as an arán, toit as do phíopa, take a bite of the bread, a smoke of your pipe. Bhain sé an dealg as mo chos, he removed the thorn from my foot. ~eadh an tsúil as, he lost an eye. Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth. ~ do rogha astu, take your pick of them. ~ as a chéile iad, take them apart. Ná ~ as a ainm é, don’t miscall him. 2. Get from, make of. Beatha a bhaint as an talamh, to make a living out of the land. Siúcra a bhaint as biatas, to extract sugar from beet. Úsáid, buntáiste, a bhaint as rud, to make use, take advantage, of sth. Taca a bhaint as, to use it as a support. Is doiligh ciall a bhaint as, it is hard to make sense of it. 3. Get out of. Obair, comhrá, sásamh, a bhaint as duine, to get work, conversation, satisfaction, out of s.o. Casadh, fáscadh, bascadh, a bhaint as rud, to twist, squeeze, bash, sth. Aithinne, splanc, a bhaint as cloch, to knock a spark out of a stone. Macalla a bhaint as na cnoic, to get an echo from the hills. Gail a bhaint as uisce, to bring water to the boil. Bhain sé gáire asam, he made me laugh. ~eadh na deora aisti, she was moved to tears. ~eadh asam é, I was provoked into saying it. ~fidh mé sin asat, I’ll make you pay for that. Níl siad ach ag ~t asat, they are only drawing you out, pulling your leg. ~eadh mealladh as, he was deceived. 4. Draw out, prolong. Fad, síneadh, a bhaint as rud, to lengthen, stretch, sth. ~ as an airgead, use the money sparingly. ~fidh mé tamall as, it will do me for a while. Bhain sé seachtain asam é a dhéanamh, it took me a week to do it. ~fidh mé coicís as Cill Airne, I’ll spend a fortnight in Killarney. S.a. lá 3, seal 2. 5. Make off. Bhain sé as (amach); bhain sé na cosa as; bhain sé as na cosa, na boinn, é, he ran away as fast as he could. 6. (a) (Of fish) Gut. (b) (Of fowl) Draw. (c) (Of animal) Castrate. 7. ~eadh lao aisti, she dropped a calf (prematurely).
Níl aon ~ iontu, le baint astu, they are of no use.
Bhain sé an t-~ as mo shúile, as an tsúil agam, (i) it dazzled me, (ii) it shocked me.
Bhain tú an t-~ asam, you frightened the life out of me.
Bain as do phóca é, take it out of your pocket.
Bain do rogha astu, take your choice of them.
Bain a leath as, take away one half of it.
Baineadh ~ as, he got a fall (off sth.).
1. ~ siar as an airgead, use the money sparingly.
2. ~eadh siar as, he was taken aback.
~eadh siar as a cholainn é, he was made to suffer (physically) for it.
Baineadh ~ as mo chuid cainte, an inference was drawn from what I said.
Bhain tú as mo bhéal é, you took the words out of my mouth.
Bhain tú an ~ as an speal, you blunted, indented, the scythe.
Bhain sé ~ na ngéag asam, it paralysed me.
Baineadh ~ as le pian, he bellowed with pain.
Níor bhain sé ~ asam, I did not feel the kick.
Bhain sé ~ as airgead an chíosa, he used up some of the rent money.
Bhain sin ~ asat, that shook, staggered, you.
Níor bhain an drochscéala ~ as, the bad news did not move, disturb, him in the least.
Bhain sin ~ as, that made him shift.
Níl ~ le baint as, nothing will move him.
Bain ~ as, take a sup of it.
Thug sé do na boinn é; bhain sé as na boinn é, he made off (on foot); he walked, ran, as fast as his legs could carry him.
Bhain tú an bhrí as an deoch, you over-diluted the drink.
~ ar do rothar agus bain as, get up on your bicycle and be off.
Bain ~ as an roth, give the wheel a turn.
Bhain sé ~ as mo lámh, he gave my hand a twist.
Ná bain ~ as mo chuid cainte, don’t twist my words.
Bhain sé an ~ as an téad, he untwisted the rope.
Bain tarraingt do chinn as, take a good draught of it.
Bain as a chéile iad, take them apart.
Bhain sé ~ as an airgead, he spent the money freely.
Bhain siad ~ as litir Mháirtín, they had a great time discussing Máirtín’s letter.
Bhain tú an chiall chontráilte, do chiall féin, as, you took the wrong, your own, meaning out of it.
Bhain sé ~ de shásamh as, he got a kind of satisfaction out of it.
Níor baineadh ~ as, he didn’t lose a feather, he was unscathed.
Bhain siad ~ as a chéile, they pounded each other.
Bhain sé as a chnámha é, he worked himself to the bone for it.
Baineadh ~ as, he was made to gasp, grunt.
Bhain sé an chiall chontráilte as, he mistook its meaning.
Bain do chrúcáin asam, stop pawing at me.
Gach lá ag baint a chuid féin asainn, each day taking its toll of us.
Bhain sé a chúiteamh asainn, he got even with us.
Bhain sé ~ as an gcapall abhaile, he rode the horse hard for home.
Bhain siad ~ as a chéile, they trounced each other.
Bhain, thug, sé ~ as na bradáin, he took a turn at salmon-fishing.
Bain do dhúil as, take all you want of it; satisfy your craving for it.
Baineadh an ~ as, he gave a violent start.
Ag baint ~a asam, taking advantage of me.