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Bíodh orm go, Ill bet that . . .
Chuirfinn mo cheann ar ~ (go), Id bet my life (that).
Geall a chur, to make a bet.
~fidh punt, Ill bet a pound.
Geall a chur ar chapall, to put a bet on a horse.
~fidh an deich ar an aon leat, Ill bet ten to one against you.
Geall a chur le duine, to make a bet with s.o.
~fidh punt leat, Ill bet you a pound.
Geall a dhúbailt, to double a bet.
~aim orm go raibh ann, Ill bet he was there.
~ a chur le duine, to make a bet with s.o.
~ ar chapall, a bet on a horse.
Bíodh ina gheall, let us bet on it.
Is liomsa an ~, I win the bet; I am sure to win.
Chuirfinn ~ as, I would bet on it; I am certain of it.
Is mór an fear ~ é, he is a great man for betting, for sayingIll bet you’.
Bhain, ghabh, thóg, an ~ go sásta, he won the bet easily; he was an easy winner.
Geall a ghlacadh, to take a bet.
Geall ~, makable bet.
Chuir geall liom, he made a bet with me.
Bain an chluas ón ~ díom tharlaíonn a leithéid, Ill bet you anything that it wont come to pass.
Cuirfidh do ~ geall leat, Ill bet you anything.
Thóg (suas) an geall, he took up the bet.
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