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third could be a grammatical form of: 3 »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for third »
third. 1 num.a. & s. (An) tríú (, ceann, duine, etc.). Third person, (i) Jur: treaspháirtí m; (ii) Gram: (an) tríú pearsa f. Edward the Third, Éadbhard a trí; an tríú hÉadbhard. (On) the third of March, (ar) an tríú de Mhárta. Rail: To travel third, taisteal sa tríú rang. 2 s. a Mus: Tréach m. b Com: Third of exchange, treasbhille m malairte. c Aut: F: Treasghiar m, (an) tríú giar m. 3 (Fractional) Trian m, treaschuid f, tríú (cuid f).   thirdly, adv. Sa tríú háit, ar an tríú dul síos. And thirdly ..., agus a trí ...
F: The third floor back, an tríú hurlár ar cúl.
You come third, tusa an tríú duine.
First, second, third, cousin, col m ceathrar, seisear, ochtar.
To put a prisoner through the third degree, croscheistiú íospartach a imirt ar phríosúnach.
Fr.Hist: The Third Estate, an Tríú Eastát.
Third finger, ring finger, méar an fháinne, mac an aba.
Third-party insurance, árachas don tríú duine.
On May the third, (ar) an tríú de Bhealtaine.
A third party, an tríú duine.
Third-party insurance, árachas tríú duine.
Sp: To be placed third, bheith sa tríú háit.
It's only third-class, níl ach cuíosach gan a bheith maíteach.
Information at third-hand, scéal m scéil.
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