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this, I Dem.pron. É (í, iad) seo. 1 a I'll give you this, tabharfaidh é seo dhuit. Who is this? seo? This is James, seo é Séamas. It was like this, seo mar a bhí. Take these, tóg iad seo. b Seo(following prep. prons, or cmp.prep. preceded by poss.a.) What do you mean by this? cad is ciall leis seo agat? After this, ina dhiaidh seo. 2 (Opposed to that) Will you have this or that? acu is fearr leat é seo é sin? F: He hasn't this nor that, níl seo siúd aige. F: To put this and that together, an scéal a chur i dtoll a chéile. Speaking of this and that, ag cur seo siúd trí chéile. II   this, dem.a. a Seo. This book, an leabhar seo. In these days, ar na saolta seo. This day last year, bliain is an inniu. He ran this way and that, rith soir siar. S.a. ONE III. b I've been watching you these ten minutes, táim ag faire ort le deich nóiméad. III   this, dem.adv. This high, an airde seo, chomh hard seo. S.a. MUCH3.
This is how I go about it, seo mar théim ina chionn.
This proposal met with general acceptance, glacadh go forleathan leis an moladh seo.
I deliver this as my act and deed, faoi mo láimh.
The chief actor in this event, an is treise lámh sa ghnó seo.
He is adamant (on this point), chomh dáigh le carraig chloiche (faoi seo).
This news added to our joy, mhéadaigh an scéala seo ar ár lúcháir.
The affairs of this world, gnóthaí an tsaoil seo.
These books are my affliction, in éadóchas ag na leabhair seo.
These trees afforded us but little shelter, is beag foscadh a thug na crainn seo dúinn.
This rumour set the country aflame, chuir an scéal reatha seo an tír trí thine.
This notion is afloat again, an smaoineamh seo ag tógáil a chinn arís.
After this date, ón seo amach.
I shall see him this afternoon, feicfidh tráthnóna é.
Three this year as against ten last year, trí cinn i mbliana i gcomórtas le deich gcinn anuraidh.
These armies aggregated 300,000 men, bhí trí chéad míle fear ag na hairm seo eatarthu.
His speech amounts to this, seo é bun agus barr a chuid cainte.
Consider it from this angle, tar sa cheann seo de; breathnaigh mar seo air.
This applies to my case, feidhm aige seo i mo chás-sa.
It averages (up to) this much, tagann a fhad leis an méid seo, tríd agus tríd.
This is far and away the best, seo an rud is fearr ar gach uile bhealach.
There is something at the back of this, rud éigin taobh thiar den obair seo.
This is bad history, stair bhréagach é seo.
It is done in this manner, ar an gcaoi seo a dhéantar é.
You are to re-write this page, ort an leathanach seo a athscríobh.
This page and the one before, an leathanach seo agus an ceann roimhe.
These jobs go (a-)begging, níl iarraidh ag aon duine ar na poist seo.
What is behind all this? céard atá ar a chúl seo? céard is bunúdar leis seo?
This one is better than that one, is fearr an ceann seo, an ceann seo níos fearr, an ceann sin.
This work is beyond me, an obair seo os cionn m'acmhainne.
The matter boils down to this . . ., seo bun agus barr an scéil . . .
This was a bomb-shell to us all, chuir an scéala seo uafás orainn.
This letter came like a bomb-shell, tháinig an litir seo mar a thitfeadh splanc orainn.
Both of these stories must be told, caithfear an scéal seo a insint.
F: This is my boy, seo mo mhac.
This brings me back to my childhood, cuireann seo laethanta m'óige i gcuimhne dhom.
Bring it round this evening, bíodh leat tráthnóna.
I bought this horse cheap, fuair an capall seo i saorchonradh.
He ought to be here by now, by this time, ba chóir a bheith anseo faoi seo, um an dtaca seo.
This one is longer by two feet, is faide de dhá throigh an ceann seo; dhá throigh ag an gceann seo ar an gceann eile.
This is not the case, hamhlaidh atá.
We were caught up in this wave of enthusiasm, scuab an taom dúthrachta seo leis sinn.
This much is certain, that. . ., an méid seo cinnte, siúráilte, dearfa, go . . .
This journey will be (a bit of) a change for you, déanfaidh an t-aistear seo athrú dhuit.
These planes are good climbers, is sciobtha ó na heitleáin seo ardú.
To shuffle off this mortal coil, éalú m ó bhuaireamh an tsaoil seo.
He comes this way every week, tagann thart an bealach seo gach uile sheachtain.
It comes to this, that..., seo é an chaoi a bhfuil , go...
This plan came to be realized, cuireadh an scéim seo i gcrích.
When these cases come before the court, nuair a chuirfear na cúiseanna seo os comhair na cúirte.
It comes down to this . . ., is é seo éirim an scéil . . .
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