article1, s. 1 Bot: Ent: Alt m. 2 a Com: Jur: Alt m (de chonradh, de mhargadh). Articles of partnership, airteagail mpl páirtíochta. b Article of faith, bunalt m creidimh. c Jur: Alt m cúisithe. 3 (Of newspaper, etc.) Alt m. S.a. LEADING2 2. 4 Ball m, earra m, rud m. Article of clothing, ball éadaigh. 5 Gram: The definite article, an t-alt.
article2, v.tr. To article s.o. to a printer, duine a chur ina phrintíseach chuig clódóir, conradh printíseachta a cheangal idir duine agus clódóir. Articled clerk, printíseach dlíodóra.
F: To boil down an article, alt a choimriú.
By (the terms of) article five, de réir alt a cúig.
A chatty article, alt a bhfuil dul an chomhrá air.
Gram: Definite article, an t-alt (cinnte).
Com: We can do you this article at. . ., is féidir linn an t-earra seo a sholáthar duit ar . . .
To sell articles in (sets of) dozens, by the dozen, earraí a dhíol ina ndosaenacha.
An article that embodies the following regulation . . ., alt a bhfuil an riail seo leanas ann...
It falls within article ten, tá sé i gceist in alt a deich.
Food-stuffs, articles of food, earraí mpl bia.
A fragile article, brioscalán m.
To get up an article for sale, earra a chur i dtreo díolta.
A good-class article, earra fónta.
Hand-made article, ball a rinneadh le láimh.
Leading article, (i) Journ: príomhalt m; (ii) Com: earra m bolscaireachta.
Luxury article, earra daorluachach.
To mark (the price of) an article, a luach a chur ar rud.
To mark down the price of an article, luach earra a ísliú; earra a leagan.
Journ: Money article, alt m airgeadais.
This article is not moving, níl aon imeacht ar an earra seo.
Cust: Articles for personal use, earraí pearsanta.
In the preceding article, san alt roimhe seo.
What price is that article? cé mhéad atá air sin?
Com: Proprietary article, earra f dílsithe.
To make a reduction on an article, laghdú a thabhairt in earra.
Com: Article in great request, earra m a bhfuil glaoch mór air.
Com: Returned article, earra m ar ais.
Com: Article hard to get rid of, earra dodhíolta.
We are sold out of this article, tá deireadh an earra seo díolta againn.
Journ: To put an article into shape, bail f a chur ar alt.
We are short of that article, níl an t-earra sin againn.
Tos ort (out) articles, earraí a rangú, a shraithrannú.
If the paper takes my article, má ghlacann an páipéar le m'alt.
By the terms of article 15, de réir mar tá leagtha síos in alt a cúig déag.
To put an article into use, acra a chur in úsáid, ag fónamh.
Article of everyday use, acra a bhíonn in úsáid gach lá.
To work up an article, alt a shaothrú.