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abhainn, f. (gs. -ann, pl. aibhneacha). River. Cuir leis an ~ é, get rid of it. Talamh, airgead, go h~, plenty of land, of money. Chuirfeadh thar an ~ tirim thú, he is free with his promises. S.a. cabhán2, líon1 3.
Ag an doras, an tine, an abhainn, at the door, the fire, the river.
Chuaigh daon léim ~ isteach san abhainn, he took one jump, jumped suddenly, into the river.
Ag teacht ~ an pháirc, thar an abhainn, coming across the field, the river.
~ thar (an) abhainn, over, to the other side of, the river.
an abhainn ag ~t faoin mbruach, the river is undermining the bank.
~ abhann, source, upper reaches, of river.
~ abhann, river bar.
~ abhann, mouth, outfall, of river.
~ san abhainn chomh maith is a gabhadh fós, there are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
Ar bhrú abhann, on the bank of a river.
~ abhann, bank of river.
~ abhann, debouchment of river.
~ abhann, mouth of river.
~ abhann, mouth of river.
~ abhann, yellow water-lily.
~ abhann, river current.
Chaith an abhainn (de léim), he cleared the river (at a jump).
~ amach (as an teach, san abhainn) iad, throw them out (of the house, into the river).
~ abhann, river port.
~ abhann, neck of river.
~ in abhainn, i mbealach, twist, winding, in a river, in a path.
~ abhann, locha, head of river, of lake.
Cheap an balla, an abhainn, sinn, the wall, the river, barred our way.
Tháinig leá choipeadh na habhann orthu, they melted away (like foam on the river).
An áit a gcorann an bealach, an abhainn, where the road, the river, turns.
~ i mbóthar, in abhainn, bend in road, in river.
Cois abhann, cladaigh, cuain, beside a river, a shore, a harbour.
Is í an abhainn an chríoch, the river marks the boundary.
Chros an abhainn siar, he crossed the river on his way westwards.
I g~ na habhann, in the central current of the river, in mid-stream.
Breathnaigh, féach, an abhainn sula dtéir ina ~, look before you leap.
Chuir an abhainn de, he got across the river.
Duine, rud, a chur thar abhainn, to put s.o., sth., across a river.
an abhainn ag cur thar bruach, the river is overflowing its banks.
~ na habhann, na dtonn, the foam on the river, on the waves.
Dháil an abhainn a tuile tharstu, the river poured its flood over them.
Taobh abhus den abhainn, on the near side of the river.
~ a chur ar abhainn, to bridge a river.
2. ~ abhann, pondweed.
Cad a tharla ? É a thitim san abhainn. What happened to him? He fell in the river.
~ idir dhá abhainn, a (narrowing) strip between two rivers.
mbeadh ~ thar an abhainn againn, if we had an easy way to cross the river.
~ abhann, freshwater eel.
an abhainn, an tuile, ag éirí, the river, the flood, is rising.
An áit a n-éiríonn an abhainn, where the river rises.
an abhainn ag éirí ar na hísleáin, the river is rising over the low grounds.
Dul le ~ na habhann, to go down river, be swept downstream.
Abhainn a fhódú, to bank a river.
~ abhann, source of river.
~ san abhainn, the river is swollen.
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