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paidir, f. (gs. -dre, pl. -dreacha). 1. Paternoster. An Phaidir, P~ an Tiarna, the Lords Prayer. ~ agus Áivé Máiria a , to say an Our Father and a Hail Mary. Deir rudaí nach bhfuil sa Phaidir, he says things that are not in the Lords Prayer, says more than his prayers. S.a. cré2. 2. Prayer. Do phaidreacha a , to say ones prayers. ar a phaidreacha, he is at his prayers. ina phaidir aige, he rhymes it off. déan ~ chapaill de, dont make a long-drawn-out story of it. Sin an chéad phaidir a fuair , that is the first thing he ever learned to repeat. Iron: a phaidreacha go maith aige, he knows whats what. S.a. eadra 4.
mhéad ~ sa Phaidir? How many petitions are there in the Lords Prayer?
maith an phaidir a chuir i mo bhóthar, he didnt give me a very gracious send-off.
Níl paidir ~ aige, he is ignorant of the tenets of the faith.
Paidir a chur le duine, to say a prayer for a deceased person.
Paidir a chur suas, to offer up a prayer.
Níorbh é a dhearmad gan paidir a chur leo, he didnt forget, was sure, to say a prayer for them.
Dúirt paidir , I said a prayer for him.
théann na paidreacha agus na headraí le chéile, [’prayers and idle chatter dont mix’, work must come before play.
Paidir a le h~ duine, to say a prayer for s.o.’s intentions.
Deir a ~ nach bhfuil sa phaidir, he says more than his prayers.
Paidir le hanamacha na marbh, a prayer for the souls of the dead.
Paidir i leith na marbh, a prayer for the dead.
Agus paidir eile ina ~, and another prayer to follow it.
Íobairt, paidir, a ~, to offer a sacrifice, a prayer.
~ de phaidir, muttered prayer.
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