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intinn, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). Mind. 1. Mental state. (a) ~ aibí, shocair, shuairc, ghuagach, dhúr, lively, settled, pleasant, fickle, dour, mind. ~ láidir aige, he is strong-minded. ~ dhall ag leadaí na leisce, idleness rusts the mind. (b)Tuirse, faoiseamh, ~e, mental strain, relief. sásamh ~e ann, it satisfies the mind. Galar, mearú, ~e, mental disease, aberration. rud éigin ar a ~, there is something on his mind, worrying him. 2. Disposition. ~ chrábhaidh, shaolta, oilc, síochána, pious, worldly, evil, peace-loving, mind. an dea-~ acu dúinn, they are well-disposed towards us. Rinne é le h~ mhaith, he did it in good faith. Ó chroí agus ó ~, in heart and mind. 3. Bent of thought, attention. D’~ a leagan ar rud, to bring ones mind to bear on sth. Cuir d’~ leis, set your mind to it. Níl a ~ ar na leabhair, his mind is not on his books. air a bhí m’~, my thoughts were elsewhere. Níl m’~ leis an obair sin, I dont care for that work. D’~ a thógáil de rud, to take ones mind off sth. 4. Spirits. tógáil ~e ann, it raises ones spirits. Is mór an t-ábhar ~e é, it gives great cause for rejoicing. 5. Intention. (a) Rud a bheith ar ~ agat; ~ a bheith agat ar rud, to intend sth. Bhí ar ~ imeachta, he had a mind to leave. Tháinig le h~ labhairt leat, I came with the intention of speaking to you. Leis an ~ sin a rinne é, that was my intention in doing it. siad ar an ~ sin fós, they are still that way inclined. D’~ a ligean le duine, to let s.o. know what is in your mind. Dathraigh a h~, she changed her mind. Paidir a le h~ duine, to say a prayer for s.o.’s intentions. (b) ~ Aifrinn, Mass offering. 6. Accord. Ar aon ~, of one mind, accord. ar aon ~ leat faoi sin, I am in complete agreement with you about that.
Intinn ~, a lively mind, imagination.
Ar ~ aigne, intinn, of one mind, intention.
Duine a ardú san intinn, to excite, anger, s.o.
D’~ sin a intinn, that drove him mad.
Dintinn a athrú, to change ones mind.
~ intinne, change of mind.
~ intinne, anama, liveliness of mind, spirit.
1. Duine a bhuaireamh sa cheann, san intinn, to cause worry, mental anguish, to s.o.
~ intinne, aigne, mental anguish, worry.
~ intinne, mental torture.
Cheil a intinn orainn, he disguised his intention from us.
~ ar a intinn, his mind is clouded.
~ intinne, mental adroitness, address.
~ don atá san intinn, contrary to what one thinks.
Intinn chorrach, troubled mind.
~ coirp, intinne, anama, bodily, mental, spiritual, food.
Intinn chráite, tortured mind.
Dintinn a chur le rud, to put ones mind to sth.
Is ~ an intinn atá aige, he has great mental powers.
Cumhacht a chúngú, to restrict power. Do chroí, dintinn, a chúngú, to harden ones heart, to close ones mind.
~ intinne, intellectual blindness, ignorance.
~ san intinn, strong-willed, of firm intent.
Dintinn a dhéanamh suas, to make up ones mind.
~ as dintinn é, put it out of your mind.
Dhírigh a intinn ar an léann, he turned his mind to learning.
~ smaointe, intinne, depth of thought, of mind.
Is ~ an intinn atá aige, he has a profound mind.
~ san intinn, shallow-minded.
~ choirp, intinne, physical, mental, ailment.
Smaoineamh, rún, ag fabhrú i gceann, in intinn, duine, an idea, an intention, forming in s.o.’s head, mind.
i mintinn ar ~, I cant get it out of my mind.
An intinn a fhairsingiú, to enlarge the mind.
I bh~ na hintinne, in the inmost recesses of the mind.
a intinn ~, he has a vacant mind.
An rud a ghabhann an intinn, what the mind conceives.
~ coirp agus intinne, bodily and mental affliction.
An rud nach ngealann an intinn, what does not cheer, appeal to, the mind.
Intinn ghéar, penetrating mind.
~ (san intinn), he is sharp(-witted).
Dintinn a ghéarú, to sharpen ones wits.
Níl ar a n-intinn ach spórt is ~, they only think of sport and fashion.
An rud a ghluais a n-intinn chun , what turned their minds to God.
intinn ghrinn aige, he has a discerning mind.
~ radhairc, intinne, acuteness of sight, of mind.
Intinn ~, weak mind.
~ intinne, weakness of mind.
intinne, mianta, inflaming of mind, of desires.
Dintinn a ~an ar rud, to set ones mind on sth., to concentrate on sth.
Intinn duine a léamh, to read s.o.’s mind.
Is doiligh léamh ar intinn mná, it is hard to judge a womans mind.
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