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leath1, f. (gs. leithe, npl. ~a, gpl. ~; ds. leith used in certain phrases). I. Side; part, direction. 1. ~ tosaigh, forward part; fore quarter. ~ deiridh, back part; hind quarters. a ~ marbh, his side is paralysed. Bheith i gcois leith ar rud, to be astride sth. Bheith daon leith, to be on one side, united. Chuaigh siad daon leith orainn, they combined against us. Lit: Ar leith an chnoic, on the hillside. Lit: Ó na ceithre ~aibh, from all quarters. 2. Ar leith, faoi leith, apart, separate; several, distinct; remarkable, special. (a) In áit ar leith, faoi leith, in a place apart. In aon áit ar leith, in any particular place. Cuid, bord, ar leith, separate portion, table. Cás ar leith, separate, exceptional, case. A gcearta ar leith, their several rights. Aire ar leith, special care. Gach ball ar leith, each individual member. Duine ar leith, a person apart; a remarkable person. Ar leith i gcoitinne, in particular or in common. Rug ar leith iad, he brought them aside. (b) Lit:~ ar ~, leith ar leith, side by side, on both sides, respectively. Thit siad ~ ar ~, they fell side by side. Chuaigh siad mbailte féin ~ ar ~, they all went back to their respective homes. Tháinig a ~ ar ~, on all sides they passed away. Flatha is filí ~ ar ~, princes and poets alike. 3. Do leith, do ~, on the side of, in the direction of. (a) Lit: Do leith a athar, on his fathers side. (b) Do gach leith, on every side; in every direction. Don leith eile, on the other side; on the other hand. Don ~, don leith, abhus den abhainn, on the near side of the river. (Don) ~ amuigh, istigh, thall, theas, thiar, thíos, thoir, thuaidh, thuas = lasmuigh, laistigh, lastall, laisteas, laistiar, laistíos, lastoir, lastuaidh, lastuas. 4. (Prep. phrase) I leith. (a) In the direction of. I leith na láimhe deise, an bhóthair, towards the right-hand side, the road. Bhí ag imeacht i leith a chúil, a dhroma, he was moving backwards, backing away. Rith i leith a chinn isteach ann, he ran headlong into it. (b) Tending towards. I leith na léithe, tending to grey, greyish. i leith na hoíche, na déanaí, it is approaching nightfall, getting rather late. Ag dul i leith na haoise, getting a bit old. (c) On the side of, in favour of. Bheith i leith duine, ruda, to be in favour of s.o., sth. Chuaigh inár leith sa choimhlint, he took our part in the conflict. I mo leith i méadan, for or against me. an méid sin le ina leith, that much is to be said in his favour. (d) On behalf of, for the sake of. Paidir i leith na marbh, a prayer for the dead. Déan i do leith féin é, do it for your own sake. (e) Resorting to, trusting in, dependent on. Dul i leith na déirce, to resort to charity. Cuirfear i leith an mhála é, he will be driven to beg. i leith a shláinte, he is depending on his health; he works without security, as a labourer. Fágadh gach i mo leith, everything was left in my charge. Bfhearr duit dul i leith , you would be better to have recourse to God. (f) I leith (le), in regard to. A cion i leith an linbh, her offence regarding the child. I leith le hóglach maoise, for a youth of my age. (g) Cuir i leith, attribute, impute, to; charge with. An choir a cuireadh ina leith, the crime with which he was charged. cuir bréag i mo leith, dont impute a lie to me. Cuireadh dán eile ina leith, another poem was ascribed to him. 5. (Adv. phrase) I leith. (a) Hither; aside, apart. Tar i leith, come hither. Iompaigh i leith, turn this way. Tabhair dom i leith é, give it here to me. dheachaigh i leith i leataobh leis, he didnt beat about the bush. (b) Thenceforth. Ó shin i leith, from that time forth, thenceforward. Ó aois móige i leith, ever since the days of my youth. Ón deichiú céad i leith, from the tenth century onwards. (c) I leith is go, as if. I leith is gur seoid a bhí ann, as if it were a jewel.
II. 1. Half. (a) Dhá ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to halve sth. Bris ina dhá ~ é, break it in two. ~ an lóin, one-half of the provisions. ~ an lae, na hoíche, half the day, the night. ~ an ama, na haimsire, half the time. Ag ~ ama, at half-time. ~ aimsire, cow half-way through period of gestation. ~ bealaigh, ~ slí (go), half-way (to). Ar ~ , at half-pay. ~ aife, ~ tuile, half-ebb, half-flow. Dul ~ ~, ~ mar ~, i rud, to go half-and-half in sth. Thug a ~ , I give him half of it. Níl ~ chomh maith leat, he is not half as good as you. bhfuair siad ~ a ndóthain, they didnt get half enough. thuigim ~ bhfuil á aige, I dont understand half of what he says. thiocfaidh siad ~ luath go leor, they wont come half soon enough. a ~ arís ann, it is bigger by half. An chéad, an dara, ~ den chluiche, the first, the second, half of the game. An chéad, an dara, ~ den ticéad, the outward, the return, half of the ticket. Prov: Is fearr ~ meath, something is better than nothing. S.a. bia1 1, dícheall. (b) Níor ~ liom an saothar mbeadh rud ar a shon agam, I wouldnt mind the work half so much if I had something to show for it. ndéanfainn sin leis níor liom a ~, if I were to do that with it I should lose half of it. throideann siad linn bheidh acu ach a ~, if they fight us we will give as good as we get. grá aici orthu agus níl aici ach a ~, she loves them and they love her just as much. Ba ~ dóibh uile é, he was a match for all of them. Thug ~ ó gach uile fhear, he held his own against all men. Lit: A ~ catha, his equal in battle. (c) (Counting, measurement) Go leith, and a half. Ceann go leith, one and a half. Troigh, cloch, acra, bliain, scór, go leith, a foot, a stone, an acre, a year, a score, and a half. Trí huaire go leith, three and a half hours, times. Fig:Go ceann dhá go leith, for a very long time. 2. Part, portion. Déan trí ~ de, divide it into three parts. an ~ is agatsa, you have the bigger portion. Dhá ~ cothrom, two equal parts. Níor chuala ach a ~, you have only heard part of it, one side of it. ~ na tíre ag caint air, it is the talk of the countryside.
leath2, v.t. & i. (pp. -ata). 1. Spread. (a) Éadach a ~adh ar rud, to spread a cloth over sth. Bratach, seol, a ~adh, to spread a banner, a sail. Léarscáil a ~adh, to spread out a map. S.a. brat1. (b) Im a ~adh, to spread butter. Taos a ~adh, to roll out paste. Iarann a ~adh, to flatten out iron. (c)Do ghéaga a ~adh, to spread ones limbs, to sprawl. (Of squat person) leata anuas ar an talamh, he is spread out on the ground. Siúl leata, sprawling gait. (d) Néalta ag ~adh thar an spéir, clouds spreading over the sky. na coillte ag ~adh, the woods are spreading. (e) Síol a ~adh, to scatter seed. Gaineamh a ~adh, to strew sand. Ag ~adh aoiligh, spreading manure. (f) Eolas a ~adh, to spread knowledge. Scéala, ráfla, a ~adh, to spread news, a rumour. ~ an scéal ar fud an domhain, the story spread all over the world. 2. Open wide. Doras, fuinneog, a ~adh, to open wide a door, a window. Bhí a bhéal leata aige, he had his mouth wide open. ~ a shúile, a radharc, air le hiontas, his eyes opened in astonishment. 3. Become confused, indistinct. a radharc ag ~adh air, his sight is getting dim. Bhí an chaint ag ~adh orthu, their speech was getting thick. 4. Perish. ~ an fuacht iad, they were perished with cold. leata leis an ocras, I am famished. 5. Lit: Halve, divide; diminish. ~ a n-áireamh, their number declined.
leath3-, pref. 1. (a) Lying, turned, to one side; lopsided, tilted. (b) One-sided, partial. 2. (a) Half-, hemi-, semi- (b) Half-grown. 3. One of two, of a pair.
aithníonn fear an tsaibhris leath a ghaolta, the rich man does not acknowledge acquaintance with half his relatives.
Bain a leath as, take away one half of it.
Bheinn beo ar leath ~ ann, I could live on half-rations there, I love the place.
leath do bhrat ach mar is féidir leat a chonlú, dont spread your cloak farther than you can fold it’; cut your coat according to your cloth.
Níor ~eadh leath ndeachaigh i gcontúirt, all that is ventured is not lost; nothing venture, nothing win.
~ lántonnach, leath-thonnach, full-wave, half-wave, rectification.
~ dhá leath, (ceithre) ceathrúna, de, make two halves, (four) quarters, of it.
Leath i n~ a haon, half past one.
Dhá leath a dhéanamh de do dhícheall, to do things by halves.
dhearna dhá leath dhícheall leis, he spared no pains to do it.
Dhá leath ~ a dhéanamh de rud, to divide sth. into two equal parts.
Na ~a de Leath Choinn, the six branches of people of Leath Choinn.
an ~ ar leathadh air, he cant get things done fast enough.
ag ~áil thar leath na bhfocal, he is leaving out half the words.
Leath a gháire air, he smiled broadly.
ceathrú, leath, iomlán, gealaí ann, there is a quarter, a half, a full, moon.
An leath ~, the lower half.
~ aon leithe, one-sided superiority, complete control.
Leath an iompair ardú maith, the first blow is half the battle.
Leath buailte ~ glan, a clear threshing-floor is half the work done.
~ leata, dispersion diagram.
~ éadaigh, seoil, spreading of cloth, of sail.
Bhí ~ an bhoird de ann, the table was spread with it.
~ ladhrach air inniu, he is in a great hurry today.
~ dorais, opening wide of door.
~ súl, opening wide of eyes (in wonder).
~ béil, gaping.
~ radhairc, cainte, indistinctness of vision, of speech.
Ar ~, outspread; wide open.
Seolta ar ~, sails spread.
Bord ar ~ le bia, table spread with food.
Béal, doras, ar ~, mouth, door, wide open.
An aibhéis ar ~ fúthu, the gulf yawning beneath them.
an fómhar ar ~ air, he cant keep pace with all the work he has to do.
3. ~ a fháil ó fhuacht, ó ocras, to be perished with cold, with hunger.
~ lúitheach, numbness (of hands from cold).
Leathadh na leathóige air! Bad cess to him!
Greanadóireacht ~, half-tone engraving.
Scála ~, chromatic scale.
Coigeartú ~, half-wave rectification.
~ clé, deas, láir, left, right, centre, half-forward.
Rud a fháil ar ~, to get sth. at a knock-down price, very cheap.
~ a bheith agat de rud, to have some idea of sth.
Ag dul i ~, spreading, getting stout.
Ba ~ liom a leath, half of it would do me.
Leath ~ leath, half and half.
Leath an mhéid sin, half that amount.
~ ndéanfadh a leath cúis duit? Wouldnt half of it do you?
~ ina dhá leath, it split in two.
~ ina dhá leath, ina phíosaí, é, tear it in half, in pieces.
Na ~a de Leath Choinn, the six branches of people of Leath Choinn.
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