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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: germ · goirm · gor · gorb · gore
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
gorm1, m. (gs. goirm). 1. Blue (colour). ~ (na)spéire, the blue of the sky. ~ féir, bluish-green colour of lush grass. ~ gréine, discoloration (of potatoes) from exposure to sunlight. 2. (a) Dyeing-blue. Pota an ghoirm, pot for boiling homespun in blue dye. (b) (Washing-)blue. Máilín goirm, blue-bag. 3. Her: Azure.
gorm2, a1. 1. Blue. (a) Dath ~, blue colour. Lasair ghorm, blue flame. Chomh ~ le plúirín, le mála an ghoirm, as blue as indigo, as a blue-bag. (b) (Of verdure) Bluish-green. Féar ~, blue(-green) grass. (c) Dark-blue, livid, purple. ~ san aghaidh, blue in the face. S.a. meall1 2(c). (d) Blue-tinted. Bláthach ghorm, bluish, inferior, buttermilk. (e)Her: Azure. (f) (Of person) Mean, stingy; cold. 2. Negro pej.Fear ~, negro pej.Na ciníocha ~a, the negro races pej.3. Lit: Noble, illustrious.
gorm3 = gormaigh1.
Bhí culaith ghorm orm, I was wearing a blue suit.
2. ~ ina sheasamh, ~ gorm, dead-and-alive person.
~ gorm, goldsinny.
~ gorm, field scabious.
~ (gorm), borage.
~a gorma, knapweed.
~ gorm, field scabious.
~ dhubh, ghorm, blackleg.
~ ghorm, blue-stone.
~ gorm, blue anemone.
~ gorm, blue-bell.
~ dearg, glas, gorm, red, grey, sapphirine, gurnard.
~ gorm, blue-bottle.
~ gorm, stock-dove.
~ gorm, blue corded cloth.
2. ~ gorm, blue shark.
~ bhuí, ghorm, yellow, blue, clay.
~ dearg, geal, gioblach, gorm, (kinds of) cranes-bill.
~ chrónáin, ghorm, bluebottle.
~ gorm air, it is a blue colour.
Dhoirt an dath, an gorm, sa níochán, the colour, the blue, ran in the washing.
~ donn, ~ gorm, dark brown, dark blue.
~ gorm, bittersweet.
~ gorm, black and blue.
~ dearg, gorm, red, blue, ink.
~ glas, ~ gorm, light green, light blue.
~ gorm, peregrine falcon.
~eann an gorm go breá di, the blue becomes her well.
~ gorm, woody nightshade, bittersweet.
1. ~ ghorm, blue tint.
gorm atá ach glas, it is not blue but green.
~ bholcánach, choiréil, ghorm, volcanic, coral, blue, mud.
an gorm ag gabháil go deas leis, the blue goes nicely with it.
~ ghorm, uaine, enteromorpha, green slime.
~ gorm, tope.
~ goirm, blue-bag.
~ goirm, blue-bag.
~ gorm, carbuncle.
~ croiméalach, dubh, earrfhada, gorm, léana, mór, bearded, coal, long-tailed, blue, willow, great, tit.
~ gorm, bluebell, harebell.
~ gorm, blue whale.
~ gorm, water flea.
~ ghorm ann, it has a blue sheen.
Is fearr a ~eann an gorm duit, the blue becomes you better.
Gorm ~, prussian blue.
An ~ gorm, form of diarrhoea (in children).
~ gorm, ~ seilge, peregrine falcon.
~a gorma, bitter-sweet, woody nightshade.
~ gorm, green slime.
1. ~e gorma, glasa, blue, grey, eyes.
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