Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: mua · mucra · mur · murab · mural
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Seans gur foirm é mura de: ur »
If that is all (the difficulty), mura bhfuil ann ach sin.
His silence alone is sufficient proof against him, mura mbeadh ann uile ach nach bhfuil focal le baint as, ba leor mar chruthú ina aghaidh é.
Barring accidents, mura mbainfidh taisme dúinn (dóibh, etc.).
Unless you hear to the contrary, mura gcloisfidh a mhalairt, athrach scéil.
I speak under correction, mura bhfuil dearmad orm ...
Failing this, mura dtarlaíonn sin.
If he does not come, he will not see it, mura dtaga , dtiocfaidh , dtagann , fheicfidh é.
If he is not here to-morrow . . ., mura mbídh, mbeidh, anseo amárach . . .
If he were not here, he would not have seen it, mura mbeadh anseo, fheicfeadh é.
If he had not come, he would not have seen it, mura mbeadh go, murach go, murab é go, dtáinig , fheicfeadh é.
If it were not for Seán, we would have succeeded, mura mbeadh, murach, murab é, Seán, d'éireodh linn.
If its there, take it, if not . . ., bhíonn ann tabhair leat é, mura mbeidh...
Go and see him, if only to please me, téigh ag breathnú air, mura mbeadh ann ach le mise a shásamh.
You can imagine how angry I was! d'fhéadfása a go raibh mo shá feirge orm! mura raibh fearg orm fós é.
If he can't come take me instead, mura féidir leis teacht beir leat mise ina áit, ina ionad.
Judge of my surprise! mura raibh iontas orm bíodh agat!
If I had loved him less, mura mbeadh méid mo cheana air.
Who may you be? atá agam ann (mura miste fiafraí)?
If I may say so, mura miste dom a .
If you don't mind, mura miste leat.
If I mistake not, mura bhfuil dul amú orm.
If I am not mistaken, mura bhfuil dul amú orm.
If needs must, mura bhfuil aon dul as.
If you do not go neither shall I, mura rachaidh tusa rachadsa ach oiread, ach chomh beag.
If fine we shall go out, if not, not, bhíonn an aimsir go breá rachaimid amach, mura mbeidh, rachaidh.
If you have no objection, mura miste leat.
I would do it, only that . . ., dhéanfainn é ach go . . ., murach go . . ., mura mbeadh go . . .
If he is not otherwise engaged, mura bhfuil rud éigin eile ar a aire.
Work, otherwise you shall fail, oibrigh, (mura n-oibreoidh) teipfidh ort.
If you will pardon my saying if, mura miste leat á .
Permit me to tell you the truth, i gcead duit, mura miste leat é, inseoidh mise an fhírinne duit.
(Of bill) Unless renewed, mura n-athnuaitear; ach a athnuachan.
If it is all the same to you, mura gcuirfidh as duitse.
Save he be dead, he will return, tiocfaidh ar ais mura marbh atá ,
If you don't send I shall not come, mura gcuirfidh fios orm thiocfad.
Short of a miracle, we are ruined, mura bhfuil ag Dia, beidh thiar orainn.
If I don't stand over him he does nothing, mura mbeidh ina dhiaidh dhéanfaidh a dhath.
Prov.There is no standing still, mura rachaidh ar aghaidh rachaidh ar gcúl.
Subject to alteration, mura ndéantar athrú air.
If you do not consent he will make trouble, mura dtiocfaidh leis tógfaidh achrann.
Unless you know English you are not accepted, mura bhfuil Béarla agat ghlacfar leat.
Unless he was there, he did not see it, mura raibh ann, fhaca é.
You will be late unless you go at once, beidh déanach, mura n-imíonn, n-imeoidh, mura n-imí, gan mhoill.
He would not see it unless he came, fheicfeadh é, mura dtiocfadh, dtagadh, .
Unless . . . and. He will not speak to you unless you go there and see him to-night, labhróidh leat mura dté, rachaidh, ann agus é a fheiceáil anocht.
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