Ba mhaith liom iad a bheith ann, I would like them to be there.
Dúirt mé liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
~ leis fanacht liom, tell him to wait for me.
An bhfuil aon fhocal agat le rá liom? (i) Have you anything to say to me? (ii) Have you anything to say against me?
Bhí sí ag caoineadh an t-~ a bhí sí ag caint liom, she was weeping while she was talking to me.
~ liom féin, apart by myself.
Ní miste liom agam nó uaim é, I don’t care whether I have it or not.
Liomsa an ~, vengeance is mine.
Tá sé ~ ar ~ liom, he is facing me.
Thaitin sé liom ~ cheannaigh mé é, I liked it and so I bought it.
Ba mhaith, ~ liomsa, (you) would like (that), and I would also.
Déanfaidh mé é chomh maith ~ is féidir liom, I’ll do it as well as I can.
Labhair sé liom, amhail ~ dá mbeadh aithne aige orm, he spoke to me as if he knew me.
I m’~, in ~ liom, near, next, to me.
2. Bhí sé ~ liom, he was short with me.
Ní h~ liom iad, I don’t care for them.
Is é ab ~ liom a rá, what I want to say is.
Is ionadh liom sin a bheith ina ~ ort, it is strange that you should be puzzled by that.
D’~eas Aoibheall taobh liom, I dreamt I saw Aoibheall by my side.
~ liom sa ród, take the road along with me.
B’~ liom a bheith ann, I should like to be there.
An fear ab ~e liom, the man I liked best.
An ~ nár labhair sé liom, because he did not speak to me.
liom, he introduced himself to me.
An rud is fearr liom, the thing I prefer.
Nuair a fuair mé an ~ liom, when I recovered my breath, my speech.
Druid ~ liom, come over closer to me.
Ní hé sin an rud ab ~ liom, that is not my dearest wish.
Is tú an t-~ duine (amháin) a labhair liom, you are the only person who spoke to me.
D’~ sé thiar liom, he booted, urged, me on.
Bhí beart faoi m’~ liom, I had a bundle under my arm.
Is é sin an scéal ~ liom, I am delighted to hear that.
Bhain mé air a theacht liom, I persuaded him to come along with me.
Ní bhaineann sé liom, (i) it doesn’t concern me, (ii) he is not connected with me.
Is ~ liom é, I think it is too small.
Ní ~ liom de, I have had enough of it.
Ní ~ liom duit é, I don’t begrudge it to you.
Ní lú orm, liom, an diabhal, an sioc, ná iad, I hate them like the devil.
Is ~ a thaitin sé liom, I didn’t like it very much.
A bhéal féin a dúirt liom é, I heard it from his own lips.
Níor mhaith liom mé a bhéalrú eatarthu, I would not like to be the subject of their gossip.
Ní dúirt sé fiú ‘go mbeannaí Dia duit’ liom, he did not even salute me.
Ní ~ liom, ní ~ dom, mo bheo, my life is not worth living.
Is cuma liom ~ nó éag, mo bheo nó mo mharbh, I care not whether I live or die.
Ní maith liom ~ ndiúltú, I don’t like to refuse you.
Tá agam, liom, I have it, I have succeeded.
D’éirigh go ~ liom, I got on splendidly.
Tháinig ~ ar a shúile liom, his eyes flashed anger at me.
Is ~ liom do chás, I’m sorry for your trouble.