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lig amach, v.t. & i. Let out. 1. Let out of a place. Na ba, na caoirigh, a ~ean amach, to let out the cows, the sheep. ~ amach an madra, let out the dog. ~eadh amach as an ospidéal é, he was discharged from hospital. ~eadh amach na príosúnaigh, the prisoners were released. ~eadh amach ar bannaí é, he was let out on bail. ~amach as seo , let me out of here. 2. Relinquish hold of. ~ amach , ~ amach do ghreim orm, let me go, let go your hold of me. ~ amach mo lámh, he let go my hand. ~ amach as do sheilbh é, dont let it out of your possession. 3. Allow to escape. ~ amach an ghal, an t-aer, let the steam, the air, escape. 4. Pay out. Cábla a ~ean amach, to pay out, to cast off, a cable. 5. Extend, make looser. Ball éadaigh a ~ean amach, to let out a garment. ~ amach na muinchillí, widen the sleeves. 6. Cards: Cluiche a ~ean amach, to let a game be won outright. 7. Hatch out. Ál a ~ean amach, to hatch out a brood. 8. Let out of cultivation. Talamh a ~ean amach chun féir, to let out land in grass. ~ an gort amach bán, he let the field become fallow. 9. Hire out, lend. Rud a ~ean amach chuig duine, to hire out sth. to s.o. ~eann amach carranna, he hires out cars. ~eadh amach airgead ar biseach, he used to lend money at interest. 10. Disclose, reveal. Rud a ~ean amach ort féin, to let out sth. about oneself. ~ amach an fhírinne, reveal the truth. ~ amach go raibh airgead aige, he let it be known that he had money. 11. Vent. Do racht a ~ean amach, to give vent to ones feelings. ~ amach a chuid feirge orainn, he vented his anger on us. ~ amach ormsa é, dont take it out on me. 12. Rud a ~ean amach ar ghreann, to treat sth. as a joke. 13. a ~ean amach as bainne, to let a cow go dry. ~eadh amach as bia iad, they were left short of food.
Lig ~ é, (i) let him (go) out, (ii) release (your hold on) him.
Lig ~ a fhearg orm, he vented his anger on me.
~ a ligean amach, to exhale breath.
Duine a ligean amach ar ~í, to release s.o. on bail.
Lig isteach ar chluas agus amach ar chluas, ar an g~ eile, é, he let it in one ear and out the other.
Lig amach a dheasca orm, he vented his spleen on me.
Ag ligean mine amach ar ~, giving out meal on credit (with interest to be charged).
Lig amach ar ghreann é, he turned it into a joke.
BeidhLig amach mo ghruaigann, there will be wigs on the green.
~ amach rúin, disclosure of secret.
~ amach feirge, venting of anger.
chomh maith lena ~ amach, if he is as good as he sets himself up to be.
Lig amach a ~, he gave vent to his feelings.
Lig amach a ~ air, he put all his strength into it.
Do ~ a ligean amach, to give vent to ones feelings.
Nuair a ligeadh amach na scoláirí, when the school-children were let out.
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