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Similar words: lad · lea · leaid · led · plead
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Ar ~, haltered, led.
Ag imeacht le h~ an tsaoil, pleasure-seeking, leading a gay life.
~ na mbóithre ar an áit sin, the roads lead to that place.
Duine a chur ar a ~, to lead s.o. astray.
Ar cheann na bhfear, an cholúin, leading the men, the column.
Duine a chur ar bhealach a leasa, a aimhleasa, to advise s.o. for his own good, to lead s.o. astray.
Do bheatha a chaitheamh mar is cóir, to lead a proper life.
Bhí an bhoige riamh ionat, you were always easily led, imposed upon.
raibh aige ach boinn, the trail led him nowhere.
Ar thús ~a, in the vanguard; leading the flight, the gang.
Bíonn tusa i gcónaí ar thús ~a, you always take the lead, act as ringleader.
Ar chaoi cheithre slí, where four roads lead.
lig sinn i g~, lead us not into temptation.
Is minic a chealg briathra míne cailín críonna, many a prudent girl was led astray with honeyed words.
Giolla cinn eich, boy who leads a horse.
Saol ~ atá aici, she leads a miserable life.
Capall, seisreach, a chinnireacht, to lead a horse, a plough-team.
~ capaill, one leading a horse.
Cárta a thabhairt le ~, to lead a card.
Tháinig an t-aon le ~, the ace was led.
Is furasta ~ a chur air, he is easily advised, led.
Bheith ar chomhairle duine, to be influenced, led, by s.o.
~ chláir, luaidhe, wooden, lead, coffin.
Bíonn ~a crua ar chapall iasachta, faoi chapall na comharsan, a borrowed horse is hard of foot’, borrowing leads to abuse.
~ bagair, (i) truncheon, (ii) leading warrior.
An ~ ag déanamh an eolais don ~; an ~ ag giollacht an daill, the blind leading the blind.
Dhathaigh an t-aon, he led the ace of trumps.
~ a chaitheamh, to lead a good life.
Rud a dhearbhú do dhuine, to assure s.o. of sth; to lead s.o. to believe sth.
~ a dhéanann ~, one success leads to another.
~ dúinn ár mbeatha a chaitheamh go maith, grant us that we may lead good lives.
~ aigigh, luaidhe, plummet-, lead-, line.
ar an ~ le fada, he has been on the booze, has been leading a wild life, this long time.
Dul, imeacht, le ~ an tsaoil, to lead a dissolute life, to go to the bad.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to misdirect s.o.; to send, lead, s.o. astray.
thig liom ~ a bhaint as na cúrsaí seo, I cant say what these affairs will lead to.
Is leis a ~adh é, it led to his undoing.
lig tús reatha a fháil ort, dont let him lead you in the race.
~ gloine, luaidhe, glass, lead, tube.
~ isteach, lead-in tube.
~ mearaí, mearbhaill, spot of ground on which one is supposed to be led astray; cause of confusion.
~ a dhéanamh ar chapall, to lead a horse.
~ an daill ar an dall, the blind leading the blind.
Capall a ghiollacht, to lead a horse.
Titfidh an spéir nuair a rachaidh an ~ i mbéal na cuaiche, there will be chaos when the pipit leads the cuckoo.
Bhí an capall ar ghreim sriain leis, he was leading the horse by the bridle.
Chuir ~ air féin lena chaiteachas, his spending led him into debt.
Ag imeacht le haer an tsaoil, leading a gay life.
Is (é rud atá) ~ as sin (go), that implies, would lead one to understand (that).
Thug liom ar ghreim láimhe é, I led him by the hand.
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