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Chuala ag Brian é, I heard it from Brian.
chluinim thú ag gleo na bpáistí, I cant hear you because of the noise of the children.
~ a éisteacht, a fhriotháil, to hear, serve, Mass.
D’~ a ainm á lua, he heard his name mentioned.
Níor ~ a leithéid riamh, I never heard the like of it.
An airíonn leat ? Do you hear me?
~ ar chuala , repeat what you heard.
~ air, he is hard of hearing.
Níl ar m’~ ar méisteacht, I can neither see nor hear him.
Chuala an scread san oíche, I heard a (sudden) scream in the night.
Ar amharc, ar éisteacht, within sight, hearing.
As amharc, éisteacht, out of sight, hearing.
Is é sin an scéal ~ liom, I am delighted to hear that.
Chluinfeá míle ó bhaile é, you could hear him a mile away.
~ éisteachta, hearing organ, ear.
A bhéal féin a dúirt liom é, I heard it from his own lips.
Airím go ~ thú, I hear you perfectly; I like what I hear from you.
Bheith ~ ar rud, to pretend not to hear sth.
~ ag éisteacht libh, leis an scéal sin, I am tired listening to you, hearing that story.
Dairigh ~, I heard sth. stirring.
Níor mhaith liom do bhuairt, I was sorry to hear about your trouble.
~ an rud is áil leat agus cluinfidh an rud nach áil leat, say what you like and you will hear what you wont like.
Chuala an chantaireacht istigh, I heard a chorus of voices within.
Chuala i g~ é, I heard it in a song, in a poem.
Rud a chloisteáil, to hear sth.
~im fuaim, caint, I hear a sound, talk.
~imis an scéal, let us hear the story.
~im go bhfuil siad le pósadh, I hear they are to be married.
~ a gcloisfidh , dont believe everything you hear.
raibh focal i gcluas le ~teáil agam, I couldnt hear my ears.
(An) gcloistí? Do you hear? Just listen to that!
~ fuaime, cainte, hearing of sound, of speech.
Sin é mo chloisteáil, that is what I hear.
Is ~ dom (go), I hear (that).
I mo chlos, in my hearing.
~ agam air, I have heard about it.
Go g~ dom, as I have heard.
I g~, go g~, don teach uile, so that all in the house heard.
Chuala ~ air, I have heard it mentioned.
Mo dhá chluas a chuala é, I heard it with my own two ears.
Rud a chluinstin, to hear sth.
~im go bhfuil an tsláinte aige, I hear he is in good health.
Níl agam ach an rud a chuala , I only know what I have heard.
Chuala iomrá orthu, I heard of them, heard them mentioned.
chluinfeadh iomrá air, he wouldnt hear of it.
~im focal uait, dont let me hear a word from you.
An rud nach binn le duine chluineann é, we only hear what we want to hear.
Bhraith siad an choisíocht ina ndiaidh, they heard footsteps following them.
I g~ do, in the general hearing of.
I g~ don bhaile, for all in the town to hear.
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