~ chréafóige, light covering of clay.
~ sneachta, covering of snow.
~ dín, protective covering.
~ (mullaigh), top covering (on haycock, etc.).
~ féir ar ghort, covering, overgrowth, of grass on a field.
~ a chur ar rud, to put a covering on sth.
~ leabhair, claímh, a guard, a covering, for a book, a sword.
~ tuí, light covering of thatch.
a chur ar rud, to put a protective covering on sth.
~ cinn, (protective) covering for head.
~ cathaoireach, covering, upholstering, of chair.
~ a chur ar rud, to put a covering on sth.; to cover up, conceal, sth.
Cuir ~ ar do shúile, put a covering over your eyes.
~ ceo, thin covering of fog.
~ mhínithe, covering letter.
~ (beag) cré, light covering of earth.
~ brait, adhairte, adjustment of covering, of pillow.
~ sneachta, covering of (melting) snow.