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bás, m. (gs. báis, pl. ~anna). 1. Death. ~ a fháil (de, le, rud éigin), to die (of sth.). an ~ aige, he is dying. le ~, ina luí le ~, ar leaba an bháis, he is near death, on his deathbed. an ~ air, his illness is fatal. Tháinig an ~ air; bhuail an ~ é, he became fatally ill. Fuair, tholg, a bhás as, he caught his death from it. As sin a tháinig a bhás, that is what brought about his death. Ag saothrú an bháis, in the throes of death. Idir ~ is beatha, hovering between life and death. dath an bháis air, he is the colour of death. an ~ (ina sheasamh) idir a dhá shúil, death is in his face. ag comhrá leis an m~, in agallaimh an bháis, he is near death and is rambling. Níl ~ biseach air, he is chronically ill. Tháinig ón m~, he recovered from, escaped, death. Thug sin ón m~ é, that saved his life. I gcontúirt, i nguais, bháis, in danger of death. Buille báis, goin bháis, deathblow, fatal wound. Go ~, until death. Go mo bháis, to my dying day. ~ umhal (ola agus aithrí), death with resignation (after penance and extreme unction). ~ gan sagart, death without the administrations of a priest. Duine a dhaoradh, a theilgean, a chur, chun báis, to condemn, sentence, put, s.o. to death. Thug siad mo bhás leis an ocras, they starved me to death, famished me. Thug a bhás féin leis an ól, he drank himself to death. Chuir lámh ina bhás féin, he committed suicide. Ar do bhás ( déan é), on your life (dont do it). Ar bhás an domhain, under no circumstances. mbeadh do bhás de gheall, i ngeall, leis, if your life depended on it. eagla a bháis air (roimh thaibhsí, go mbuailfear é), he is in mortal fear (of ghosts, that he will be beaten). Fuair na seacht m~ le pianta i mo ghoile, I suffered untold agonies with stomach pains. S.a. aois 1, caidhp 4, cróilí1 1, fód 5, mac 3, ordóg 1, uacht 2. 2. ~ ina sheasamh, ~ gorm, dead-and-alive person. Níl ann ach an ~, he looks like death. 3. Z: ~ dorcha, bat.
1. Bás le h~, death in bed, death from natural causes.
Mura bhfaighe bás in ~, unless I die suddenly.
In ~ a bháis, at the time of his death.
In ~ an bháis, in the throes of death.
an bás d’~ ag gach aon duine, everybody is fated to die.
In ~ an bháis, on the point of death,
Bás ~, untimely death.
Fuair bás in ~, he died miserably.
Ó ~ go bás, all through (adult) life.
Bás ~ Chríost, Christs voluntary death.
Beidh a mbás ort, you will be held responsible for their death.
Am an chuntais ar cheann an bháis, the accounting time before death.
In ~eacha an bháis, in the throes of death.
an bás ag ~t air, he is in danger of death.
I m~ báis, in danger of death.
~ an bháis, the throes of death.
~ báis, binse, cimithe, coirp, cuardaigh, gabhála, urghabhála, death, bench, committal, body, search, arrest, seizure, warrant.
Níl bás ~ air, he is by no means critically ill; he will get over it.
I m~, i mbéala, báis, at deaths door.
Bás duine a bheartú, to plan the death of s.o.
Cúrsaí báis is ~, matters of life and death.
~ an bháis, relief before death.
Níor bhlais an bia nach mblaisfidh an bás, all men are mortal.
~ bán an bháis air, he has a deathly pallor.
~ an bháis, rally before death.
Bás, codladh, bréige, feigned death, sleep.
Ó bhreith go bás, from the cradle to the grave.
~ bháis, sentence of death.
~ báis, sentence of death.
Tháinig ~ bháis orthu, they were distressed by a death in the family.
Le ~ báis, on the verge of death.
Bhuail an bás é, he met his death.
Bhí gach uile dhuine ~ faoina bhás, everybody mourned his death.
An rud ba bhunsiocair lena bhás, what really brought about his death.
~ bháis, death cap.
Bhí ~ míosa acu gan an bás a imirt orthu, they had a months respite from execution.
Chásaigh bás mathar liom, he sympathized with me on my fathers death.
~ bháis, presentiment of death.
Dár gceannach ón mbás, to redeem us from death.
Is é an bás a ~adh dúinn, it is assigned to us to die.
A ~adh agus a fuair bás, who was crucified and died.
~ báis, bróin, concealment of death, of sorrow.
Duine a chur ~ báis, to put s.o. to death.
~ báis, díotála, capital, indictable, offence.
~ breitheanna, póstaí, básanna, register of births, of marriages, of deaths.
~ an bháis air, he is the image of death.
Cloífidh an bás gach aon, death conquers all.
~ a chur tamall eile ar an mbás, to cheat death for another while.
~ an bháis, death stupor, coma.
Bhí an bás ina chodladh ina clár, death was lurking in her timbers.
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