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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for afford »
afford, v.tr. 1 a d'acmhainn, de ghustal, agam (rud a dhéanamh, a cheannach). I cannot afford to be idle, ligfeadh an saol dom a bheith díomhaoin. I can't afford it, níl ina acmhainn, ródhaor agam. He can well afford to build a house, is is fusa teach a dhéanamh. b I can afford to wait, miste dom fanacht. Can you afford the time? an bhfuil an t-am le spáráil agat? 2 (Give, provide) Tugaim, cuirim ar fáil, do. These trees afforded us but little shelter, is beag foscadh a thug na crainn seo dúinn.
To afford asylum to s.o., dídean a thabhairt do dhuine.
I can ill afford the expense, ag dul rite go leor liom an costas a sheasamh.
It would afford me great pleasure to . . ., ba chúis mhór áthais dom . . .
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