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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for reduce »
reduce, v.tr. 1 a Laghdaím. v.i. Do you wish to reduce? ar mhaith leat tanú? b Laghdaím, íslím (teocht, fuacht, etc.). To reduce expenses, costas a laghdú. To reduce speed, luas a mhaolú. El: To reduce the voltage, an voltas a ísliú. c Maolaím (codarsnacht, claonchló). d (Of illness) Lagaíonn, tugann (duine) anuas. 2 a To reduce sth. to ashes, to dust, luaithreach m, deannach m, a dhéanamh de rud. Clothes reduced to rags, éadaí ina ngiobail. b To reduce a fraction to its lowest term, cuideog a chur sa riocht is ísle. To reduce yards to feet, troithe a dhéanamh de shlata. To reduce everything to a single principle, aon phrionsabal amháin a dhéanamh de gach rud. c To reduce bribery to a system, modh oibre a dhéanamh den bhreabaireacht d To reduce sth. to writing, rud a chur i scríbhinn. 3 a To reduce s.o. to silence, duine a chur ina thost; duine a chabáil. b Mil: Gabhaim (baile), cuirim (éirí amach) faoi chois. 4 He was reduced to begging, b'éigean dul ar an déirc; fágadh i muinín na déirce é. 5 a To reduce s.o. to the level of beasts, bail na mbeithíoch a chur ar dhuine. b Íslím (oifigeach i gcéim). 6 Ch: Dí-ocsaídím. 7 Med: Deisím (cnámh).
To burn, reduce, sth. to ashes, luaith a dhéanamh de rud.
To reduce s.o. to beggary, duine a chur ag iarraidh na déirce; duine a chreachadh.
Reduced to destitution in food and clothing, gan blas bia tointe éadaigh.
To reduce sth. to dust, smionagar a dhéanamh de rud.
To be reduced to exigency, bheith tite i ngéarchall.
To be reduced to extremes, bheith i ngéarchall.
To reduce sth. to a liquid state, leacht a dhéanamh de rud.
To reduce sth. to a minimum, rud a laghdú go dtí an méid is .
To reduce sth. to powder, (i) púdar a dhéanamh de rud; (ii) mionacha, mion agus luaith, a dhéanamh de rud,
At a reduced price, ar lascaine.  
To reduce sth. to a pulp, leircín m, liothrach m, a dhéanamh de rud.
At (greatly) reduced prices, ar phraghsanna íslithe (go mór).
In reduced circumstances, anuas i ndeis, bochtaithe anuas.
To reduce sth. to a science, eolaíocht chruinn a dhéanamh de rud.
He is reduced to a skeleton, níl ann ach na cnámha.
To reduce a nation to slavery, tír a thabhairt i mbraighdeanas.
To reduce a coefficient to unity, aon a dhéanamh de chomhéifeachtóir.
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