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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for question »
question1, s. 1 A: (Torture) To put s.o. to the question, duine a chéasadh le eolas a bhaint as. 2 Amhras m. Without question, gan amhras. Beyond (all) question, past question, gan aon agó. To call, bring, sth. in question, amhras a chur ar rud. I make no question but that it is so, níl aon amhras orm nach mar sin atá. There is no question about it, níl aon amhras faoi. 3 a The matter in question, an scéal atá i dtrácht. There was some question of . . ., bhí trácht éigin ar . . . There is no question of his returning so soon, níl baol ar bith go dtiocfaidh ar ais chomh luath sin. b That is not the question, sin an cheist. The question is whether . . ., is í an cheist atá ann acu . . . It is out of the question, féidir é; níl indéanta. (At meeting) To move the previous question, an réamhcheist a mholadh. To put the question, an cheist a chur ar vóta. Question! (i) an t-ábhar! (ii) ceist! c A vexed question, ceist achrannach. Their success is merely a question of time, éireoidh leo leis an aimsir. 4 To ask s.o. a question, to put a question to s.o., ceist a chur ar dhuine. Questions and answers, ceisteanna agus freagraí.
question2, v.tr. 1 Ceistím (duine). To question s.o. closely, duine a cheistiú go géar. 2 Caithim amhras ar, cuirim amhras i (rud). I question whether he will come, táim in amhras an dtiocfaidh . It is not to be questioned that he did it, níl amhras ar bith nárbh é a rinne é.
To advise s.o. on a question, eolas a thabhairt do dhuine ar cheist.
To answer a question, a letter, ceist, litir, a fhreagairt, freagra a thabhairt ar cheist, ar litir.
The question is not answerable, (i) féidir an cheist a fhreagairt; (ii) féidir an cheist a fhuascailt.
To approach a question, dul i gceann scéil.
To question s.o. as to his motives, ceist a chur ar dhuine faoin údar a bhí aige.
To ask s.o. a question, ceist a chur ar dhuine.
That does not bear on the question, bhaineann sin leis an scéal, le hábhar.
I examined the question in all its bearings, bhreithnigh gach uile thaobh den scéal.
To beg the question, talamh slán a dhéanamh den mhéid atá le cruthú.
That's begging the question, sin é atá le cruthú fós.
Begging the question, talamh slán a dhéanamh den mhéid atá le cruthú.
To bring sth. into question, rud a tharraingt anuas.
To broach a question, an ceann a bhaint de scéal.
To burke the question, folach a chur ar an scéal, cos a bhualadh ar an scéal.
Burning question, scéal atá idir camáin go mór; scéal atá ag déanamh buartha lán.
Catch question, ceist chleasach.
Catchy question, ceist chleasach.
Concentrate all your attention on this question, dírigh d'aire uile ar an gceist seo.
Questions connected with the matter, ceisteanna a bhaineas leis an scéal.
This question has no connection with ..., níl aon bhaint ag an gceist seo le ...
Question under consideration, an t-ábhar atá i dtreis.
After due consideration of the question, tar éis machnamh cothrom a dhéanamh ar an gceist.
The question in debate, under debate, an cheist atá á plé, á caibidil.
A much debated question, ceist sheanphléite.
To deliberate over, on, a question, machnamh, smaoineamh, a dhéanamh ar chúrsa.
Delicate question, scéal m íogair.
The question under discussion, an scéal atá á phlé, atá idir camáin.
Disposal of a question, réiteach m ceiste.
To dispose of a question, ceist a réiteach.
To dodge a question, ceist a sheachaint, ceist a fhágáil gan freagairt.
A doubtful question, ceist éiginnte, cúrsa éideimhin.
The drink question, ceist an ólacháin.
To examine a question thoroughly, ceist a chíoradh go mion, a chriathrú. v.i.
F: He subjected me to a rapid fire of questions, bhí gach dara ceist aige orm de dhroim a chéile.
To fire a question at s.o., ceist a chur de phreab ar dhuine.
Fundamental question, buncheist.
I did not question him any further, níor cheistíos thairis sin é.
Questions germane to the subject, ceisteanna a bhaineas leis an ábhar, a thagas i dtreis leis an ábhar.
To go closely into a question, ceist a iniúchadh go grinn.
When the question comes nearer home to him he will think differently, nuair a bheas an crú ar an gcois aige féin beidh a mhalairt de thuairim aige.
The questions of the hour, cúrsaí na linne.
Question of first, capital, importance, scéal mór, scéal an-tábhachtach.
The question is intimately connected with . . ., dlúthbhaint ag an scéal le ...
The introducer of the question, an a tharraing anuas an scéal.
The question under investigation, an scéal atá faoi scrúdú, idir camáin.
F: It is not merely a question of L.S.D., cúrsaí airgid amháin é.
The land question, ceist na talún.
Jur: Leading question, treoircheist f; ceist f d'aonghnó (le freagra áirithe a spreagadh).
It is a many-sided question, is iomaí taobh ar an scéal; is iomaí dóigh le dearcadh air.
Remarks which are not material to the point in question, cainteanna nach mbainfeadh le hábhar.
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