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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for forget »
forget, v.tr. 1 Dearmadaim; ligim (rud) i ndearmad; chuimhním ar. I have forgotten it, imithe as mo chuimhne. Forget about it! cuir ceirín den dearmad leis. F: And don't you forget it! baineadh dearmad ar bith díot faoi! I forgot! mo dhearmad! To forget how time goes, gan an t-am a aireachtáil ag imeacht. That is easily forgotten, fada a mhaireann cuimhne ar a leithéid. Never to be forgotten, dodhearmadta. 2 a Dearmadaim, déanaim dearmad de, fágaim ar lár, ligim ar ceal (ainm i liosta). Don't forget to come on Tuesday, déan dearmad teacht Máirt. b Dearmadaim, déanaim dearmad ar (chiarsúr); fágaim (ciarsúr) i mo dhiaidh, ar bóiléagar. c Déanaim neamart, faillí i (ndualgas); déanaim leithcheal de (dhuine). 3 F: I forgot myself, ghabhas lastuas díom féin; ligeas liom féin. a You forget yourself! ag dul thar cailc! Do not forget yourself, bíodh fios do bhéas agat. b He forgot himself, chaill a chiall is a chéadfaí.
Long absent soon forgotten, seachnaíonn súil nach bhfeiceann.
He is apt to forget, déanann dearmad go réidh.
For fear we should forget, ar eagla go ndéanfaimis dearmad.
I have never been forgotten for that, níor maitheadh é sin riamh dom.
If I do happen to forget, más amhlaidh a ligim as mo chuimhne é.
You have forgotten your gloves -- So I have, rinne dearmad de do chuid miotóg -- Is fíor duit.
Lest we forget, ar eagla an dearmaid; sula ndéanfaí dearmad.
Have you forgotten your manners? nach sílfeá go mbeadh múineadh ort?
Never, never, shall I forget it, dhéanfad dearmad de go deo, go brách na breithe, go deo na ndeor.
He is not a man to forget his friends, fear é a ligfeadh a chairde chun dearmaid.
You won't forget, will you? dhéanfaidh dearmad de, ar ndóigh?
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