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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for fool »
fool1, s. 1 Amadán m, gamal m; (of woman) óinseach f. To play, act, the fool, bheith ag pleidhcíocht, ag amadántaíocht. Don't play the fool, chomh leanbaí sin. He made a fool of himself, rinne amadán, baileabhair m, ceap m magaidh, de féin. You silly fool, a phleidhce m amadáin. Some fool of a politician, amadán éigin de pholaiteoir. Your fool of a brother, an pleidhce sin is deartháir duit. 2 Th: (Of travelling show) Drúth f, amadán m (seó). 3 To make a fool of s.o., bambairne a dhéanamh de dhuine, bob a bhualadh ar dhuine. I am no fool, haon amadán (agat) mise; haon leanbh ó aréir (agat) . S.a. ALL FOOLS' DAY, APRIL.
fool2 . 1 v.i. Déanaim pleidhcíocht, amadántaíocht. I am only fooling, nílim ach mar mhagadh. Stop fooling! cuir uait an phleidhcíocht; beag sin den amadántaíocht. To fool about, around, bheith ag pleidhcíocht, ag guairdeall thart. 2 v.tr. Meallaim, cuirim (duine) amú; déanaim amadán de (dhuine).
fool3, s.Cu: Brúitín torthaí ar uachtar. (Gooseberry) fool, spíonán ar uachtar.
F: An absolute fool, amadán críochnaithe, déanta.
He acted the fool, lig amach ar amaidí é.
To make an April-fool of s.o., amadán Aibreáin a dhéanamh de dhuine.
Do you consider me as a fool? an amadán agat ?
You were an awful fool, bhí thar a bheith amaideach.
He is only a fool, níl ann ach amadán.
He is a bit of a fool, cineál amadáin é.
Born fool, amadán déanta, amadán críochnaithe.
Pred.To describe s.o. as a fool, amadán a thabhairt ar dhuine.
He is not such a fool as people make him out, níl ina amadán chomh mór agus a mheasann daoine.
That fool of a son of his, an t-amadán mic sin aige.
A fool of fools, amadán déanta.
Pack of fools, paca amadán
He lives in a fools paradise, níl aon pheaca air.
A precious fool he is! amadán ceart é!
They regard him as a fool, is amadán acu é.
He took me for a fool, thug meas amadáin orm.
They thought he was a fool, b'amadán acu é.
You thought me a fool, b'amadán agat , thug meas amadáin orm.
He is a thorough-paced fool, amadán ceart é.
Am I a fool? -- Thou art, an amadán ? -- Sea.
Unutterable fool, amadán cruthanta; deargamadán.
Utter fool, amadán déanta, críochnaithe.
The veriest fool knows that, a fhios sin ag an amadán is amuigh.
What a fool he is! nach é an t-amadán é!
What a silly fool I was! nár mhór an t-amadán !
Whoever wrote that letter is a fool, cibé duine a scríobh an litir sin, níl ann ach amadán.
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