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dé- could be a grammatical form of: dia »
Jur: M.Ins: Act of God, (i) gníomh m ; (ii) rud nach raibh neart air.
I adjure thee by the living God, cuirim ort as ucht .
I saw him on Tuesday afternoon, chonaic tráthnóna Máirt é.
To keep the fire alive, an a choinneáil sa tine.
With the blessing of God, le cuidiú m .
Blessings upon you! cumhdach ort!
Ecc: Dearly beloved brethren, a phobail .
Carbon dioxide, dé-ocsaíd f carbóin.
Through the ordinary channels of diplomacy, réir gnáthmhodhanna na taidhleoireachta.
F: It will be a week come Tuesday, beidh seachtain Máirt seo chugainn.
twin-engined, dé-inneallach
Monday evening, tráthnóna Luain.
I haven't set eyes on him for years, fhacas air le blianta.
To fly in the face of God, dúshlán m a thabhairt.
The faithful, na fíréin mpl, na creidmhigh mpl, pobal m .
Don't forget to come on Tuesday, déan dearmad teacht Máirt.
He is coming on Friday, tiocfaidh hAoine.
He was here last Friday, bhí anseo hAoine (seo caite).
He comes on Fridays, every Friday, tagann hAoine, gach Aoine.
F: Give me the good old days! beannacht leis an seansaol.
He gave no sign(s) of life, raibh ann, cor as.
F: Ye gods (and little fishes)! a dhé agus a dhaoine! dar seo agus siúd!
For goodness' sake! in ainm ! i gcuntas !
By the grace of God, trí dheonú .
With God's help, le cuidiú, cúnamh, .
So help me God! i bhfianaise !; idir is Dia ( ag déanamh bréige)!
She is at home on Tuesdays, Máirt a bhíos cuairteoirí aici.
The House of God, Teach .
Household gods, déithe an teaghlaigh.
Divine inspiration, tinfeadh .
Theol: The lamb (of God), Uan .
Last Tuesday, Tuesday last, Máirt seo caite.
Monday at the latest, Luain an seal is maille.
To be on one's last legs, a bheith ar an deiridh, i ndeireadh na preibe.
The son of the living God, mac bhí.
For the love of God, ar ghrá .
Magpie moth, dallán m .
Int.F: Mercy (on us)! a Dhia mhóir! cumhdach orainn!
Monday evening, tráthnóna Luain.
I saw him on Monday, chonaic Luain é.
Next Monday is Whit Monday, Luain seo chugainn Luan Cincíse.
On Friday next, next Friday, hAoine seo chugainn.
F: What next! i gcuntas !
The fear of God, eagla .
What do you do of a Sunday? céard a bhíonn a dhéanamh Domhnaigh?
To offer (up) prayers to God, guí le Dia, chun .
On Sunday, Domhnaigh (seo chugainn, seo caite).
He works on Sundays, bíonn ag obair Domhnaigh.
For pity's sake, ar son .
Impers. Please God, le cuidiú .
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