Listen here! cogar i leith!
Lend me your ear, cogar; claon do chluas.
P: To give s.o. the low-down, cogar m an scéil a thabhairt do dhuine.
I say, Missis! cogar a bhean chóir!
A whisper ran through the crowd, chuaigh an cogar ó dhuine go duine.
I say! hóigh! cogar ansin! (expressing surprise) ní féidir!
I’ll tell you what! cogar mé leat!
If you take my tip ..., má ghlacann tú cogar uaimse ...
To warn the police, focal na faire, cogar, a thabhairt do na gardaí.
I tell you what. . ., ach cogar ...
He whispered to me, thug sé cogar dom.
F: If he gets wind of it, má fhaigheann sé gaoth an fhocail, cogar an scéil.
To give s.o. a wrinkle, to put s.o. up to a wrinkle, cogar a chur i gcluais duine.