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cogair could be a grammatical form of: cogar »
Listen here! cogar i leith!
Lend me your ear, cogar; claon do chluas.
P: To give s.o. the low-down, cogar m an scéil a thabhairt do dhuine.
I say, Missis! cogar a bhean chóir!
A whisper ran through the crowd, chuaigh an cogar ó dhuine go duine.
I say! hóigh! cogar ansin! (expressing surprise) féidir!
Ill tell you what! cogar leat!
If you take my tip ..., ghlacann cogar uaimse ...
To warn the police, focal na faire, cogar, a thabhairt do na gardaí.
I tell you what. . ., ach cogar ...
He whispered to me, thug cogar dom.
F: If he gets wind of it, fhaigheann gaoth an fhocail, cogar an scéil.
To give s.o. a wrinkle, to put s.o. up to a wrinkle, cogar a chur i gcluais duine.
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