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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for battle »
battle1, s. Cath m -a. Pitched battle, cath cóirithe. Army drawn up in battle array, arm faoi eagar catha. In battle order, in ord catha. S.a. ORDER1 3 To fight a battle, cath a chur, a throid. To give battle, dul i gcath, cath a fhreastal. To win a battle, cath a bhaint. To do battle for s.o., dul i leith, i bpáirt duine; troid ar son duine. To join battle with s.o., dul i ndeabhadh le duine. That's half the battle, sin leath na hoibre, an cluiche leathbhainte. F: To fight s.o.'s battles, an troid a dhéanamh do dhuine. Battle royal, cath mór; greadadh m.
battle2, v.i. Téim i ndeabhadh, i gcoimhlint(with s.o. for sth., le duine ar son ruda). To battle against public opinion, dul thar bhéal na ndaoine. He had to battle against the wind, b'éigean streachailt in éadan na gaoithe.
The day after the battle, an tar éis an chatha.
Battle array, cóiriú m catha.
(Belong) The battle is to the strong, ag an treis a bhíonn an bua.
The day before the battle, an roimh an gcath.
Prov: A good beginning is half the battle, dhá thrian cuidithe tosú.
Bloody battle, árchath m -a.
The first blow is half the battle, dhá thrian cuidithe tosú.
The brunt of the battle, an chuid is tréine den chath.
The battle was drawn, cath gan bhua a bhí ann.
To draw soldiers up in line of battle, eagar catha a chur ar shaighdiúirí.
Drawn battle, match, cath, cluiche, cothrom.
Eagerness for food (battle, etc.), flosc chun bia (catha, etc.).
To engage in battle, cath a thabhairt.
Mil: Field of battle, machaire m, blár m, catha.
To fight a battle, cath a thabhairt.
To fight the ships (in battle), na longa a ionramháil i gcath.
Battle formation, eagar catha.
Gage of battle, geall comhraic.
To gain a battle, cath a bhuachan.
Hard-fought battle, cath crua géar.
Battle horn, stoc m comhraic.
Ship that has been terribly knocked about (in battle), long a fuair a greadadh (i gcath).
Line of battle, líne chatha.
The loser of a battle, fear caillte an chatha.
To offer battle, cath a thabhairt do (namhaid).
Order of battle, ord catha.
Pitched battle, cath riartha.
Sea battle, muirchath m -a.
The tide of battle turned, tháinig athrú ar imeachta an chogaidh.
I cannot trace any reference to the battle, ag cinneadh orm teacht ar aon tuairisc ar an gcath.
Wavering line of battle, líne luascach catha.
They had a battle of wits, bhíodar ag sárú ar a chéile i gclisteacht.
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