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Similar words: char · urbhac · urchra · úrmhar · arch
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urchar, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~). Cast, shot. ~ cloiche, sleá, cast of stone, of spear. ~ gunna, piostail, gunshot, pistol-shot. ~ díslí, cast of dice. ~ spóil, throw of shuttle (in loom). ~ a scaoileadh, to fire a shot. an t-~ deireanach scaoilte aige, he has shot his bolt. ~ reatha a thabhairt faoi rud, to take a pot-shot at sth. ~ maith aige, he is a good shot, has a good aim. Theilg fad a urchair uaidh é, he flung it from him as far as he could throw it. Bhí siad fad urchair uainn, they were a stones throw away from us. Nuair a thángamar faoi fhad urchair dóibh, when we came within range of them. Dimigh d’~, he went off like a shot. D’~ neimhe, like a bolt from the blue. Folk:~ cnoic, ~ díobhaill, ~ millte, fairy dart’, louping-ill. ~ mór aige go mbuafaidh an cás, he is going to have a good shot at winning the case. S.a. abhaill, bodach 1, sopóg 1.
Urchar an daill faoin ~, a shot in the dark.
~ urchair, report of shot.
Urchar bodaigh i bpoll móna, random shot.
Urchar, piléar, a chaitheamh, to fire a shot, a bullet.
Chaith cloch, urchar, liom, he threw a stone, fired a shot at me.
urchar ~ aige, he shoots straight.
Urchar ~, cast of die.
Chuir ~ urchair é, he sent it as far as he could throw it.
Chuir ~ a urchair uaidh é, he flung it as far away from him as he could.
~ urchair uaim, a stones throw away from me.
Dfheall an t-urchar air, his shot missed.
I bh~ míle, urchair mhéaróige, (go) mbeannaí Dia, de, within a mile, a stones throw, hailing distance, of.
Chuaigh an t-urchar ~, the shot went wide.
Urchar giolcaí, underhand throw.
Urchar ~, clean shot.
Urchar as béal ~, shot at point-blank range.
D’~ an t-urchar, the shot went off.
Urchar iomraill, missed, random, shot.
Urchar ~, missed throw; missed, random, shot.
Éan a ~an le hurchar, to bring down a bird with a shot.
5. Púdar, urchar, a loscadh, to fire powder, a shot.
~ (urchar) linn, he fired (a shot) at us.
Faoi urchar méaróige de, within a stones throw of.
~ urchair, piléir, trajectory of shot, of bullet.
~ urchar, volley of shots.
~ urchar, fusillade of shots.
Urchar a ~eadh, to fire a shot.
~ (urchar) linn, he fired (a shot) at us.
~ urchar, gunnaí, the firing of shots, of guns.
Urchar scoir, parting shot.
Urchar ~ cloiche, well-aimed cast of a stone.
trí shluasaid, trí urchar na sluaiste, orm, until my body is committed to the earth.
~ na dtrí n-urchar, cockshot.
Is é ~ na dtrí n-urchar acu é, they are making a butt of him.
~ ghunna, urchair, gun-flash.
Urchar treorála, sighting-shot.
Chuir iomlán a chuid ~ san urchar, he put all his strength into the throw.
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