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feall1, m. (gs. fill). Deceit, treachery; let-down, failure. ~ a dhéanamh, a imirt, ar dhuine, to play false with s.o. Buille, gníomh, fill, treacherous blow, deed. an ~ istigh ann, he is treacherous at heart; he is utterly untrustworthy. Lucht cogair agus fill, treasonable conspirators. Rinne ~ air nár thug léann , you failed him when you did not educate him. ~ ar iontaoibh, betrayal of trust. Is é an ~ é! What a shame! Prov: Más ~ fillfidh, treachery brings its own punishment. (Var: f, gs. feille)
feall2, v.i. (With ar) Prove false to, betray; fail. ~adh ar dhuine, to play s.o. false; to fail s.o. ~ orm, dont fail me. Bhí coinne agam leis ach dfheall orm, I had an appointment with him but he failed to keep it. Dfheall air (rud a dhéanamh), he failed (to do sth.). Dfheall an t-urchar air, his shot missed. ~adh do lámh ort, let your hand be sure. Dfheall na barra i mbliana, the crops failed this year. (~adh air) ~adh ar aon duine riamh, (he was betrayed) if ever a man was betrayed.
Fill thar do bhráid, turn back.
~ fill, treacherous blow.
~ ar ais, isteach, é, fold it back, in.
~ anuas an bhraillín, turn down the sheet.
~ suas do mhuinchille, turn up your sleeve.
~ an teachtaire, tell the messenger to turn back.
~ an bhó ón arbhar, head back the cow from the corn.
~ uaim dfhearg, turn away your anger from me.
~eann an feall ar an bhfeallaire, treachery brings its own punishment.
~ fill, act of treachery.
Fill i bpáipéar donn é, fold it in brown paper.
an feall ar ~ leis, he carries treachery in his heart.
Daoradh le feall é, he was condemned by treachery.
Fill, a rún ó! Come back, oh, my love!
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