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Similar words: geál · gal · geall · gealt · gealú
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geal1, m. (gs. gil). White, bright(ness). S.a. dubh1 1(a).
geal2, a1. 1. White, bright. (a) (Of brilliant white colour) Éadach ~, white cloth. Plúr ~, white flour. S.a. arán 1. Fiacla ~a, white teeth. Rudaí a go ~, to wash things white. Chomh ~ leis an aol, leis an eala, le cúr sceite, le sneachta na haon oíche, as white as lime, as a swan, as falling foam, as overnight snow. (b) (Of fair skin) Craiceann, muineál, ~, white skin, neck. (c) (Of clear light) Solas ~, bright light. An ghrian gheal, the bright sun. Bhí an ~ ann, it was clear dawn. I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight. (d) (Of liquid) Uisce ~, clear water. (e) (Of silver) Bonn ~, silver coin. S.a. airgead 2, gabha, lionn 1(b), síolta1. (f) (Of vividness) Loinnir gheal, bright sheen. (g) Lit: (Of fallowness) Gort ~, fallow field. 2. Fig: Bright, pure; glad, happy; dear, beloved, fond. (a) (Of purity) Anam ~, pure soul. (b) (Of gladness) Croí ~, glad, merry, heart. Fáilte gheal, joyous welcome. Gáirí ~a, happy smiles. Is ~ an scéal liom é, it is glad news to me. Ba gheal an é, it was a fortunate day for him. (c) (Of fondness) Bheith ~ do, ar, dhuine, to be well-disposed towards, fond of s.o. A ghrá geal! My dearest! Níl rógheal dúinn bharr, he is not very pleased with us on account of it. Is ~ leis a bhfeiceann , he likes what he sees; he sees things through rose-coloured glasses. Is é an péarla ~ ag a mháthair é, he is his mothers precious jewel. S.a. fiach2.
geal3, v.t. & i. 1. Whiten, brighten. Balla a ghealadh, to whiten a wall. Éadach a ghealadh, to bleach cloth. Gheal a haghaidh, her face brightened. an spéir ag ~adh, the sky is clearing. Nuair a gheal an , when day dawned. na sceacha ag ~adh, the hawthorns are blooming. Gheal an fharraige, the sea foamed. Mar a ngealann grian, where the sun shines bright. mo cheann ag ~adh, my head is growing grey. an fómhar ag ~adh, the harvest is ripening. 2. Fig: Make, become, glad, happy, fond. ~ann mo chroí, it gladdens my heart. Níor gheal riamh leo, I never warmed to them. An rud nach ngealann an intinn, what does not cheer, appeal to, the mind.
geal4 = dil1.
geal5 = geil.
~ buí, geal, rua, gold, silver, copper, money.
Ar ghile na gréine, bright as the sun.
~ bán, geal, white bread; bakers bread.
~a geala, white-crested waves.
~ (gheal), bass.
~ gheal, silver birch.
Is é an ~ geal acu é, it is meat and drink to them.
~ geal, sea trout.
Is geal an ~ san oíche, yellow is bright, easily seen, at night.
Chomh geal le ~ an tsléibhe, as white as cotton-down.
Chomh geal le ~, as white as cotton-grass.
~ gheal, cockle.
i mbarr na gceirtlíní geala, he is on top of the world, in high spirits.
~ geal le sneachta, as white as snow.
chomhaireann an t-airgead geal punt, if the silver adds up to a pound.
~ (airgid ghil), (silver) crown.
Geal, dubh, sa chraiceann, clear-, dark-, skinned.
chreidfinn an geal uaidh, I wouldnt believe anything he might say.
~ dearg, geal, gioblach, gorm, (kinds of) cranes-bill.
An ~ a chur ina gheal ar dhuine, to persuade s.o. that black is white, to bamboozle s.o.
Le ~ geal an lae, with the first clear light of dawn.
Is geal leis an bh~ dubh a ghearrcach féin, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
~ bán, geal, white wine.
~ geal, silversmith; whitesmith.
~ geal, cheerful laugh.
An ghéag gheal, the beautiful youth, maiden.
~ an lae, dawn of day.
Ar ~, bleaching.
~ lín, flax spread out to bleach.
~ éadaigh, clothes hung out to dry.
~ gruaige, hair turning grey.
~ an fhómhair, ripening of harvest.
~ croí, gladdening, gladness, of heart.
Thug na ~ta geala, he made the most wonderful promises. (Indicating forfeiture of pledge)
~ na gréine, the brightness of the sun.
~ an lae, the bright light of day; the dawn.
~ déad, whiteness of teeth.
~ níocháin, brightness of wash.
~ uisce, clearness of water.
Ar ghile an tsneachta, na lile, as white as snow, as a lily.
~ na ~, the fairest of the fair.
Maighdean na ~, the pure maiden.
Iontas na ~, glad wonder.
A ghile mo chroí, my hearts beloved.
~ gheal, silver fir.
~ dearg, geal, red, white, heat.
A ~ geal, a ~ bán, her dearly beloved, her sweetheart.
~ geal, white-fish.
Solas geal ~ an lae, the clear unadulterated light of day.
I lár an lae ghil, in broad daylight.
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