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fill could be a grammatical form of: feall »
fill1, v.t. & i. 1. Bend, turn back; fold. (a) Éadach, páipéar, a fhilleadh, to fold cloth, paper. ~ ar ais, isteach, é, fold it back, in. ~ anuas an bhraillín, turn down the sheet. ~ suas do mhuinchille, turn up your sleeve. Dfhill aníos osáin a bhríste, he turned up the legs of his trousers. Dfhill an phluid air féin, he folded the blanket over himself. Páipéar a fhilleadh ar rud, to wrap paper round sth. ~te i bpáipéar, in éadach, wrapped in paper, in cloth. Puball, bratach, seol, a fhilleadh, to fold, furl, a tent, a flag, a sail. Do lámha a fhilleadh ar a chéile, to fold ones arms (together). Do ghlúine a fhilleadh, to bend ones knees. (b) Daoine, ainmhithe, a fhilleadh, to turn back people, animals. ~ an teachtaire, tell the messenger to turn back. ~ an bhó ón arbhar, head back the cow from the corn. ~ uaim dfhearg, turn away your anger from me. (c) Lit: Rud a fhilleadh i ndoghrainn, i luaithreach, to turn sth. to grief, to ashes. 2. Turn back, return. (a) ~eadh abhaile, ó thuras, to return home., from a journey. Níor fhill riamh ó shin, he has never come back since. (b) (With ar) Return to. ~eadh ar dáit féin, to return home to ones own place. ~eadh ar do choiscéim, to retrace ones steps. Dfhill ar ais, he turned back again. Dfhill ar an teach, he went back to, turned back towards, the house. S.a. dúchas 2. (b) ~eadh ón olc, to turn away from, renounce, evil. 3. Recoil. ~fidh ort, it will recoil on you. Prov: ~eann an feall ar an bhfeallaire, treachery brings its own punishment.
fill2 : feall1.
-fill2, suff. f. (gs. ~e). -phyll.
Fill thar do bhráid, turn back.
~ fill, treacherous blow.
Filleadh ar do choiscéim, to turn, walk, back.
Ag filleadh chun a chríche agus a chineáil, returning to his country and his people.
Filleadh an ~, the wanderers return.
Filleadh ar do dhúchas, to return home, to where one belongs; to revert to kind.
Chuir an tarbh an adharc go bun na ~e, go filleadh ~e, ann, the bull stuck his horn right into him.
thig liom filleadh ~, ~ fiaradh, a bhaint as, I cant bend it in the least; I cant make him budge.
Buille, gníomh, fill, treacherous blow, deed.
Lucht cogair agus fill, treasonable conspirators.
Filleadh ~, spell of weakness.
~ a chur i rud, to turn back, to fold, sth.
~ in éadach, fold in cloth.
~ i sciorta, tuck in skirt.
~ in osán bríste, turn-up in leg of trousers.
An ~ a bhaint as rud, to smooth, straighten, out sth.
Culaith nua (amach) as an bh~, brand-new suit.
~ beag, kilt.
~ glúine, genu-flection.
I bh~ boise, na súl, in an instant, the twinkling of an eye.
A bh~ abhaile, their return home.
Ag súil le ~ a mhuintire, hoping for the return of his people.
~ fill, act of treachery.
Iompú, filleadh, ~, sudden turn.
Fill i bpáipéar donn é, fold it in brown paper.
Fill, a rún ó! Come back, oh, my love!
~ fillte, pass-out check.
~ fillte, folded sheet, signature.
~ fillte, folding seat.
~ shingil, fillte, bhreise, single, return, excess, fare.
~ singil, fillte, séasúir, single, return, season, ticket.
Filleadh ar na seanulacha, to return to the old familiar places.
~ ruda, de rud, a ithe, a ól, to eat, drink, ones fill of sth.
Do bholg a líonadh, to fill ones stomach.
Seolta a bholgadh, to fill, swell, sails.
Plandaí ag ~adh, plants filling, developing.
Cliabh a líonadh go ~ béil, go ~ bruach, to fill a creel to the very top.
~a duine a líonadh; lán na g~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to fill s.o.’s ears with idle talk.
Níor ith ach a chóir, he ate no more than his share, his fill.
Dith, dól, a choisceadh, he ate, drank, enough to satisfy him, his fill.
an bhó ag cur fúithi, the cows udder is filling (prior to calving).
An dáta a chur isteach, to fill in the date.
Chuir an tseanáit ~ orm, the old place filled me with longing.
Líon duisce é, she filled it with water.
~-líonta, well-filled.
do dhóthain agat, you have your fill.
Do dhúlsáith a bhaint as rud, to take ones fill of sth.
~ bearna, the filling of a gap.
Clocha ~, small stones for filling spaces in wall or for use as bottom course.
~ a líonadh, to fill a form.
Na gloiní a fhorlíonadh, to fill the glasses to the brim, to overflowing.
Scéal a fhorlíonadh, to fill out a story.
Féadann é a fhorlíonadh le huisce, you may fill up the rest of it with water.
~ do sháith, do dhóthain, eat your fill.
~ an leathanaigh ann, it fills, is enough to fill, the page.
Cuir a ~ ann, fill it up.
a thrí ~ ann, there is enough to fill it thrice over.
Ag caitheamh láin, moulding, filling ridges (with clay).
an áit ~ leo, the place is filled with them.
~ agam, I have filled it.
Tógfaidh siad an teach ó ~, they will fill the house with commotion.
Líon le huisce é, fill it with water.
1. ~ ruda, half the fill of sth.
~ chroí do bhoise ann, it would fill the palm of your hand.
A ~ den leann, their fill of ale.
Bheith ~ lán de rud, to be filled to overflowing with sth.; to be replete with sth.
Soitheach a ~adh le rud, de rud, to fill a vessel with sth.
~ do phíopa, fill your pipe.
na gloiní dúinn, he filled up the glasses for us.
~ go béal é, fill it to the brim.
Áit a ~adh, to fill a place.
Poll a ~adh (isteach), to fill in a hole.
Fiacail a ~adh, to fill a tooth.
Bearna a ~adh, to fill, to bridge, a gap.
Do ghoile, do bholg, a ~adh, to fill ones stomach, eat ones fill.
Foirm a ~adh, to fill, complete, a form.
~ an tobar, the well filled.
Seol ag ~adh, a sail filling.
~ na guaillí aige, his shoulders filled out.
~ na súile uirthi, her eyes filled (with tears).
~ suas, he became filled with emotion.
Bheith ~ta de rud, to be filled with sth.; to be sated with sth.
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