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Similar words: clochta · críochta · clochra · croca · croch
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crochta could be a grammatical form of: crochadh » · croch »
crochta1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). Croft.
crochta2, a3. 1. pp. of croch2. 2. Hung, hanged; hanging. ~ ar, as, crann, hung on, from, a tree. ~ ar an tairne, os cionn na tine, hanging on the nail, over the fire. ~ amach as na fuinneoga, hanging out of the windows. na páistí ~ asam, the children are hanging on to me. bígí ~ as mo bhéal ar fad, dont be for ever hanging on my lips. 2. Raised. Urlár ~, raised floor. Bhí a lámh ~ta aige, he had his hand raised aloft. S.a. glas1 1. 3. Overhanging; steep. Aill chrochta, overhanging cliff. ~ os cionn na farraige, overhanging the sea. Bhí an charraig ~ os ár gcionn, the rock was jutting out above our heads. Cosán ~, steep path. Mala, fána, chrochta, steep incline, decline. Díon ~, high-pitched roof. S.a. inneall 5. 4. Hanging down. Planda ~, pendent plant. Liobar ~, hanging lip. a chasóg ~ leis, his jacket is hanging down, trailing. 5. Bheith ~ le rud, to be taken up with sth. ~ le hobair, taken up with work. ~ leis an teach, I am unable to get away from the house. bheinn ~ leis, I would not waste my time with it. 6. Caint chrochta, affected speech. 7 : crochadh.
Crochta ar chrúca, hanging on a hook.
Crochta ar chúl an dorais, hanging on the back, inside, of the door.
Crochta i n~ a gcos, hung by their legs.
~ crochta, tógála, meáite, suspension, draw-, weigh-, bridge.
Bheith crochta as ~ duine, to hang on to s.o.
Crochta as na fraitheacha, hanging from the rafters.
~ crochta, portcullis.
Crochta as ~ an chúpla, hanging from the joint of the rafters.
~ fraincín, ~ crochta, padlock.
~ crochta, outboard engine.
crochta le do mhuinchille, it is hanging from your sleeve.
crochta ina ~í leat, it is hanging in ribbons from you.
crochta as an ~, he is in a precarious position; he makes a precarious living.
~ crochta, flying buttress.
Crochta ar ~ an aeir, hanging in the upper air.
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