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Similar words: staca · tacaí · tacar · tacas · tacha
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taca1, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Prop, support. (a)~ a bhaint as rud, to lean on sth. for support. Bhí a thaca le balla aige, he was leaning against a wall. Níor mhaith liom mo thaca a ligean leis, I wouldnt like to let it bear my weight. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to support, to back up, s.o. ~ a chur faoi rud, to prop up sth. mbeadh ~ le mo cheann, if I had something to support my head. Déanfaidh ~ do do dhroim, it will act as a support for your back. ~ coise, uillinne, foot-, elbow-, rest. ~ crochta, flying buttress. Do chosa a chur i d~, to plant ones feet firmly; to refuse to budge. Rud a dhéanamh as cosa i d~, to do sth. on the spot, unexpectedly. Bhuail as cosa i d~ , he struck me without warning. Dól as cosa i d~ é, he drank it at one go. Prov: Is teann an ~ an trócaire, mercy has a most sustaining quality. (b) (Of person)~, fear ~, supporter, mainstay; (boxing, etc.) second. ~ na bhfann, the supporter of the weak. Níl de thaca againn ach é, he is the only person we can rely on. S.a. crann 4, cúl1 2(a).2. (a) Point of time. Faoin ~ seo, um an d~ seo, about this time, by now. Faoin ~ seo amárach, by this time tomorrow. An ~ seo den bhliain, at this time of year. I d~ an mheán oíche, close to midnight. Bliain is an ~ seo, this time last year. (b) I d~ le, as regards. I d~ liomsa de, as far as I am concerned. I d~ leis sin de, as to that. I d~ le holc, all things considered. Níl caill orthu i d~ le holc, they are not too bad, considering.
taca2, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Nau: ~ (seoil), tack. ~í agus scóid, tacks and sheets. ~ a dhéanamh, to tack. 2. ~ chrann uachtair, fidpin.
~ taca, timber props, timbering.
Taca a bhaint as, to use it as a support.
~ taca, supporting piece.
~ taca, breast-wall.
~ taca, cradle.
~ a chur i bhfeac, i dtaca, i dtalamh, i dteannta, to get a firm foothold, dig ones feet in.
~ i dtaca, i láimh, i mbos, a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a leg up.
~ banda, bróige, coise, fleisce, láimhe, taca, band-, shoe-, foot-, rim-, hand-, servo-, brake.
~ cosanta, seasta, taca, pillar, champion.
Cos a chur i bhfeac, i dtaca, i dtalamh, i dteannta, to put down ones foot firmly, to refuse to budge.
~ taca, ~ toraic, backing; backer.
1. ~ taca, step-ladder.
Gan ~ gan taca, without prop or support.
Dúirt é gan ~ gan taca, he said it out bluntly.
ina thaca le mo dhroim, it makes a support for my back.
mar thaca le mo cheann agam, I have it as a support for my head.
Do thaca a ~ean le rud, to lean on sth. for support.
~ taca, prop.
~ thóin gan taca, pride that cannot be sustained.
Taca a bhaint as ~, to lean on a straw, on a broken reed.
~ taca, stay.
Le taca agus le ~ na talún, supported by the solid earth.
Gléas, focal, taca, a ~, to use an appliance, a word, a support.
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