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baist, v.t. (pp. ~e). 1. Baptize. Leanbh a bhaisteadh, to baptize a child. ~eadh Brian air, he was christened Brian. ~eadh as a athair é, he was christened after his father. ~ do leanbh féin ar dtús, charity begins at home. S.a. beo2 1. 2. Name. Leasainm a bhaisteadh ar dhuine, to give a person a nickname. Bhí siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they were calling each other names. ~eadh an áit as an tobar, the place was named after the well. Níor ~eadh de Mhaigh Uisnigh roimhe sin, the plain of Uisneach was not called Meath before then. ~imfaraorair, I call it a poor thing. Bhaist é! You have called it by its proper name! 3. Add water to. Biotáille, anraith, a bhaisteadh, to water spirits, soup. ~ é (agus báigh é), put a drop of water in it (but not too much).
An a baisteadh é, the day he was baptized.
~ baiste, baptismal, Christian, name.
Baisteadh as a athair é, he was named after his father.
2. ~ bhaiste, christening celebration.
~ le huisce, baptism with water.
~ dúile, fola, baptism by desire, by blood.
~ tuata, urláir, lay baptism.
~ easpaig, confirmation.
~ a ghlacadh, to receive baptism.
Dul chun baiste le leanbh, to stand sponsor to a child.
Chuaigh, rug, an ~ air, he lived to be baptized.
Leanbh gan bhaisteadh, unbaptized child, child who dies without baptism.
Bhí ~ mór air, there was a great party at his christening.
Athair ~, godfather.
Máthair bhaistí, godmother.
Leanbh ~, godchild.
Rug an baisteadh air, he lived to be baptized.
Níl a fhios agam ~ baiste, beirthe ~, I havent a notion.
fhaca ~ baiste é, I didnt see a sign of him.
~ bainise, baiste, wedding, christening, celebration.
Shíl gur den bhaisteadh é, he thought it was part of the baptismal ceremony.
~ baiste, baptismal robes.
1. ~ Baiste, St. John the Baptist.
Dfhaomh an baisteadh, he agreed to be baptized.
Baistim ~ ort, you are not worth a damn.
~ baiste, defect in baptism.
Ghabh an baisteadh ó Phádraig, he let Patrick baptize him. (Of taking in marriage)
raibh ~ bhaiste ann, there was not a soul there.
Baisteadh ~, circumcision.
Cad é an a ~tar chun an baisteadh a dhéanamh? What is requisite for the performance of baptism?
~ a bhaiste, the day he was baptized.
~ Eoin Baiste, St. Johns wort.
~eanna baiste, baptismal vows.
~ baistí, godfather.
~ an bhaiste, an phósta, the order of baptism, of marriage.
Ó chuaigh an ~ bhaiste orm, since the water of baptism was poured over me.
~ baiste, baptismal font.
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