gin1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~te). 1. Begetting; birth. A choimpeart agus a ghin, his conception and birth. ~ Chríost, Christ’s Nativity. Oíche na Gine, the eve of the Nativity. S.a. aifreann. 2. Foetus. An ghin ina broinn, the child in her womb. 3. Procreated being; child, offspring; person. ~ mhic, iníne, (begotten) son, daughter. ~ shaolta, earthly being. Ní raibh ~ bhaiste ann, there was not a soul there. Níor fhan ~ chlainne beo acu, not one of their children survived. Ní bheidh ~ ag gabháil a n-oidhreachta dá n-éis, they will have no one to succeed to their inheritance. 4. Generating source. ~ chointinne, source of contention. ~ ár gcrá, the origin of our woes.
gin2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~iúint). 1. (a) Give birth to. (Used autonomously) An Té a ~eadh i mBeithil, ó Mhuire Ógh, He who was born in Bethlehem, of the Virgin Mary. (b) Germinate, sprout; spring forth; originate. Tá an geamhar ag ~iúint, the corn is springing. ~eann fiaile ann, weeds breed in it. Ghin tobar ann, a well sprang up there. An áit ar ghin an galar, where the disease originated. An rud a ghintear san fhuil, what is engendered in the blood. Tá sé ~te ann, it is bred in his bone. 2. (a) Beget, procreate. Leanbh a ghiniúint, to beget a child. A ~eadh ón Athair, who was begotten of the Father. (b) Generate, produce. Teas a ghiniúint, to generate heat. Spréach a ghiniúint, to produce a spark. ~eann fearg fíoch, anger causes bad blood.
-gin3, suff. -gen.
~ na Gine, Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
Gine ~, yellow, golden, guinea.
Dála gine Chríost, the circumstances attending Christ’s conception.
Gineadh agus ~eadh ann é, he was born and bred with it.
~ buí, ~ óir, golden guinea.
~ Chríost, Christ’s Nativity.
~ Mhuire gan Smál, the Immaculate Conception.
~ síl, germination of seed.
~ teasa, gaile, gáis, generation of heat, of steam, of gas.
~ i bpráta, sprouting, sprout, in potato.
Ar théarnaigh ó gineadh Ádhamh, all who came into the world since the birth of Adam.