Ná h~ an focal sin orm, don’t hold that statement against me.
Chuir sé ~ sa scéal, he added to, qualified, the statement.
Focal ~, a foolish word or statement.
Focal ~, an outrageous statement.
Focal gan ~, insignificant statement.
Ag ~ ar dhuine, (i) mimicking s.o., (ii) querying s.o.’s statement, interrupting s.o.
Chuaigh an dealg, an focal, i m~ ionam, sa bheo agam, the thorn, the statement, pierced me to the quick.
~ cainte, strong statement.
Is deas an ~ cainte é! What an elegant statement!
Duine a bhréagnú as a bhéal féin, to turn s.o.’s statement against himself.
~ a chur síos do dhuine, to attribute a statement to s.o.
Is é do chaint féin é, it is your own statement.
Focal a chamadh, to twist a word, a statement.
Carúil mhóra, high-faluting statements.
Focal, buille, a chur i g~, to drive home a statement, a blow.
Focal ~, provocative statement.
Chuir tú ~ i mo chuid cainte, you twisted my statement.
Focal ~, bare, bald, statement.
Chros sé an focal i mo bhéal, he prevented me from making my statement; he contradicted me flatly.
Focal gan ~ leis, an empty statement.
Dá mbeadh ~ siar aige ar a fhocal, if he could modify his statement, qualify his promise.
Níl ~ thar a, ~ taobh anonn dá, fhocal, one can’t go beyond his statement; he can’t be gainsaid.
Ní hea ach fíoradh an chaint ó shin, no but the statement has since been proved true.
Ráiteas ~, erroneous statement.
Tuairim, ráiteas, a fhairsingiú, to amplify an opinion, a statement.
Focal gan ~, useless, unnecessary, statement.
Ráiteas a fhianú, to witness a statement.
Níl d’fhianaise leis ach d’fhocal féin, there is no evidence for it except your own statement.
Ráiteas a fhíorú, to confirm, bear out, a statement.
Duine, focal, ~, truthful person, statement.
Is é d’fhocal féin é, it is your own statement.
Ráiteas ~, clear statement.
Ba cheart duit an chaint sin a iomardú uirthi, you should charge her with, call on her to explain, that statement.
Ráiteas, fianaise, ~, reliable statement, testimony.
Ráiteas nárbh fhíor, a statement that was not true.
Ráiteas a mhaolú, to qualify a statement; to take the sting out of a statement.
Ráiteas ~, inaccurate statement.
Cuntas, ráiteas, scéala, ~, official report, statement, news.
~ borb, strong statement.
~ béil, verbal expression, statement.
~ite béil, statements, remarks.
Is é ~, ~ite, a bhéil é, it is his own statement.
~ite an bhéil bhréagaigh, the statement of a liar.
~ a dhéanamh, to make a statement.
~ acmhainne, cuntais, éilimh, gnóthaí, statement of means, of account, of claim, of affairs.
Ráiteas réitigh, reconciliation statement.
Rabhadh ródaigh a thabhairt, to cry havoc; to make an alarming statement.
~ briathra, distortion of statements.
Abairt, teoiric, a scrúdú, to examine a statement, a theory.
Ráiteas a shéanadh, to deny a statement.