pátrún2, m. (gs. & npl. -úin, gpl. ~). 1. Patron. (a) ~ cúise, ar chúis, patron of a cause. (b) Patron saint. 2. Pattern, festivities connected with patron saint’s day.
patrún, m. (gs. & npl. -úin, gpl. ~). Pattern. 1. Model. ~ páipéir, paper pattern. Foundry: ~ múnlaithe, casting pattern. Phot:~ gearrtha, cutting shape. I b~ le rud, patterned on sth. 2. Sample. Leabhar ~, pattern book. 3. Design. ~ ar bhrat urláir, pattern on carpet. 4. Example. ~ a thógáil le duine, to take pattern by s.o. ~ ban Éireann, paragon of Irish women. (Var: pátrún1)