Tá lúcháir orm gur éirigh leat, I am glad you succeeded.
~ a bheith ort as rud, to be glad of sth.
Tá ~ orm go bhfuil tú go maith, I am glad you are well.
Beannaím uaim é, (I wish him well but) I am glad to be rid of him.
Ba bhuí bocht liom cupán tae a fháil, I was more than glad to get a cup of tea.
Thabharfainn ~ ann, I should be glad to get rid of it.
Ní chreidfeá ach an t-áthas a bhí air, you can’t think how glad he was.
Bhí lúcháir as ~ air, he was exceedingly glad.
Dá laghad é is maith liom agam é, little as it is I am glad to have it.
Bhí áthas, iontas, an domhain orm, I was extremely glad, surprised.
Bheith maith, olc, áthasach, imníoch, ~ rud, to be good, bad, glad, anxious, about sth.
Bheith ~ le duine, to have a glad welcome for s.o.
Ba ghairid Dia leis é a fháil, he was very glad to get it.
Croí ~, glad, merry, heart.
Is ~ an scéal liom é, it is glad news to me.
Iontas na ~, glad wonder.
Tá ~ (maith) aige ar airgead, he is always glad to get money.
Chuir sé ~ ar mo chroí, it made my heart glad.
2. Dá ~ é is maith liom agam é, little as it is I am glad to have it.
Is ~ liom do scéala, you bring me glad news.
~ a bheith ort roimh dhuine, to be glad to welcome s.o.
le) Is ~ liom agam é, I am glad to have it.
Is ~ liom go bhfuil sé déanta, I am glad it is done.
Is ~ liom go ~ iad, I am glad they are well; I wish them joy.
Bíodh) áthas orm ~ díom, whether I am glad or not.
~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to be glad about sth.
Bheith ~ as rud, to be glad of sth.
Bhí lúcháir orthu romhainn, they were glad to see us.