dóchas, m. (gs. -ais). Hope; expectation, trust. ~ a bheith agat as duine, as rud, to hope in s.o., in sth. Do dhóchas a chur i rud, to put one’s trust in sth. Do dhóchas a bhaint de rud, to give up hope of sth. Duine a chur dá dhóchas, as a dhóchas, to dash s.o.’s hopes. Tá ~ mór aige as féin, he has great confidence in himself. Is tú mo dhóchas; is ionat atá mo dhóchas, my hopes are set upon you. Is é mo dhóchas (go), it is my hope (that). Bheith i n~ (go), to hope (that). Tá mé i n~ a mhaitheasa, I rely on his goodness. Tá ~ againn as, we are hopeful of his chances.
Bíodh dóchas agat as Dia, have trust in God.
Creideamh, dóchas, a chur i nduine, to inspire s.o. with faith, hope.
Muinín, dóchas, a chur i nDia, to put trust, hope, in God.
~ a dhéanamh de do bharúil, de do dhóigh, de do dhóchas, to take too much for granted, be too sure of sth.
~ dóchais, flash of hope.
~ creidimh, dóchais, grá, act of faith, of hope, of charity.
Creideamh, dóchas agus ~, faith, hope and charity.
~ dóchais, gleam of hope.
~ céille, dóchais, ray of sense, of hope.
~ dóchais, blasting of hope.
Dóchas a mhúscailt i nduine, to raise s.o.’s hopes.
Dóchas a thabhairt suas, to abandon hope.