To advertise sth., scéal a reic, a chur sa nuacht, a fhógairt.
Bargain sale, saor-reic m.
To blaze a rumour abroad, scéal reatha, a reic, a scaipeadh, go forleathan.
To blazon forth, out, sth., rud a fhógairt, a reic, a phoibliú.
He went and bleated it all over the place, d'imigh sé agus reic sé an scéal ar fud an bhaile.
To bruit sth. abroad, about, rud a reic, rud a chur os ard, a scaipeadh.
He sold his life dear, reic sé a anam go daor.
For disposal, le díol, le reic.
To be disposed of, le reic, le díol.
He forfeited his honour, reic sé a chlú.
There is a rumour going about that . . ., tá ráfla ag imeacht, á reic, go . . .
To hand on the news, an scéal a reic.
To noise sth. abroad, scéal a reic, a chur os ard.
To palter with one's honour, do chlú a reic.
Remnant sale, saor-reic m fuílligh.
F: The story went the round, rinneadh an scéal a reic.
Sales-book, leabhar na reic.
Sale price, luach saor-reaca.
To have nothing to spare, gan dada le reic a bheith agat; gan ach riar do cháis a bheith agat.
To spread news, scéala a reic.
He threw away his life, reic sé a bheo in aisce.
He trafficked away his honour, reic sé a onóir, a chlú.
To trifle with one's health, do shláinte a chur i gcontúirt, a reic; neamhshuim a dhéanamh do do shláinte.
To trifle one's time away, an lá a reic, a mheilt, le díomhaointeas.
He made bad use of his money, reic sé, scean sé, a chuid airgid.
To use up one's strength, do neart a chloí, a thraochadh, a reic.
F: To waste words, focail a reic.
Com: White sale, reic m línéadaigh.