To eat two at a time, péire a ithe le chéile, ag an am (céanna).
He eats anything, íosfaidh sé an uile rud, rud ar bith.
He ate it with an appetite, d'ith sé go blasta é.
He asked for something to eat, d'iarr sé rud le n-ithe.
F: To have a bit of something, greim a ithe.
I haven't had a bite all day, níor ith mé aon ghreim ó mhaidin.
He was biting his nails, bhí sé ag ithe a chuid ingne.
To browse (on) leaves, duilliúr a ithe, a chrinneadh.
He does nothing but eat, ní stadann sé ach ag ithe.
He is consumed with jealousy, tá sé ite ag an éad.
Not a crust to eat, gan an greim féin le n-ithe.
To dine on, off, sth., rud a ithe leis an dinnéar, chun dinnéir.
We were having dinner, bhí muid ag ithe ár ndinnéir.
Dog does not eat dog, níor ith na madraí allta a chéile riamh.
He eats like a wolf, itheann sé ar nós an ghadhair; alpann sé a chuid.
He eats little else than bread, is beag eile a itheann sé ach arán.
To be green with envy, bheith ite ag éad.
He does nothing except eat and drink, ní dhéanann sé pioc ach ag ithe agus ag ól.
Let him eat anything he fancies, itheadh sé cibé rud is rogha leis.
To give the horse a feed, rud le n-ithe a thabhairt don chapall.
To have a good feed, sáibhirne mhaith, foracún maith, a ithe.
To feed out of s.o.'s hand, ithe as láimh duine.
Ecc: To eat flesh, feoil a ithe.
To offer s.o. food, bia, greim lena ithe, a thairiscint do dhuine.
To get sth. to eat, (i) rud éigin a fháil le n-ithe; (ii) greim a ithe.
To give s.o. sth. to eat, to drink, rud a thabhairt le n-ithe, le n-ól, do dhuine.
To glut oneself, anlucht a ithe.
I am going out to dinner to-day, íosfaidh mé mo dhinnéar amuigh inniu.
Good to eat, (go) maith le n-ithe.
To eat sth, with gusto, rud a ithe le flosc, le fonn.
He is having his dinner, tá sé ag déanamh, ag ithe, a dhinnéir.
I had some more, d'ith, d'ól, mé tuilleadh.
We ate and drank to our heart's content, bhí muid ag ithe agus ag ól go raibh muid subhach sách.
He kept on eating, mhair sé ag ithe leis.
I felt like kicking myself, bhíos ag ithe na méar díom féin; b'fhearr liom an lámh a bhaint díom.
Eat less meat, ith níos lú feola; ná hith an oiread sin feola.
To bite one's lip(s), bheith ag ithe na liopaí.
He eats little or nothing, is beag in aon chor a itheann sé.
To live on vegetables, gan a ithe ach glasraí; bheith beo ar ghlasraí.
Ruined by moths, ite ag na leamhain.
She is always nagging, bíonn sí i gcónaí ag ithe agus ag gearradh.
He will neither eat nor drink, ní íosfaidh sé agus ní ólfaidh sé.
To eat off a silver dish, do chuid a ithe as soitheach airgid.
Will you have beef or mutton? cé acu mairteoil nó caoireoil a íosfaidh tú?
To eat out of the same dish, ithe as aon mhias amháin.
To overeat (oneself), iomarca a ithe; craos a dhéanamh.
To eat like a pig, ithe go craosach; bheith ag sclamhadh.
Possessed with doubt, ite ag an amhras.
He is a prey to anxiety, tá sé ite ag an imní.