Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: cúm · cam · chum · com · cub
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
cum, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha). 1. Form, shape. Ó ~adh an saol, since the world was formed. An saol a chum féin, the life he made for himself. mar a chum Dia é, he is as God made him. S.a. cáin2 2. 2. Compose. Ceol, amhráin, a chumadh, to compose music, songs. An dán a chum , the poem he made. 3. Devise. Plean, scéim, a chumadh, to devise a plan, a scheme. Ag ~adh ceilge, hatching a plot. 4. Invent. Scéal a chumadh, to put a story together; to concoct a story. Níl ann ach scéal a ~adh, it is only a made-up story, a fabrication. Focal a chumadh, to coin a word. Bréag, leithscéal, a chumadh, to make up a lie, an excuse. Níl ach ag ~adh, he is only spinning a yarn. Bíonn ag ~adh cainte ( féin), he is affected in his speech. 5. Tex: Make up; (with le) fit. Éadach a chumadh, to make up cloth. Culaith a chumadh le duine, to make a suit to fit s.o. Shílfeá gur ~adh leat é, one would think it was made for you. 6. (a) Limit. bheinn ag ~adh leis an méid sin, le beirt triúr, I would not confine myself to that amount, to two or three. (b) Ration. Bia a chumadh le duine, to portion out food to s.o.; to stint s.o. in food. chumfar do chuid anseo leat, you will get plenty to eat here.
Bíonn cuma ~ ar an tír sa gheimhreadh, the country looks dreary in the winter.
cuma ~ air, he looks grotesque.
Is cuma ~ as é, it doesnt matter about it.
cuma ~ air, he looks weather-beaten, the worse for wear.
cuma chaite orthu, they look worn.
~ de theaghlach, de chumann, member of a family, of a society.
cuma bheathaithe air, he looks well-fed.
Nach cuma ~the a rinne é? It doesnt matter in the least who did it.
Is cuma liom ~ éag, mo bheo mo mharbh, I care not whether I live or die.
Cuma bhómánta, vacant look, appearance.
Is cuma leis an dall air a bhfuil an bhreall, what the eye sees not the heart rues not.
Bhí cuma bhriste air, he looked crestfallen.
cuma bhuartha air, he looks worried.
cuma bhúidíneach air, he has a hang-dog look about him.
Mar sin a rinne siad a g~ agus a gcumann le chéile, it was thus they pledged their friendship with each other.
Is cuma liom acu a bhí ann nach raibh, I dont care whether he was there or not.
Ar an gcuma chéanna, in like manner.
Ag cumadh ~e, plotting rebellion.
Cuma cheannasach, commanding appearance.
~ cumainn a chur ar dhuine, to pay ones addresses to s.o.
~ comhluadair, cumainn, associative, community, complex.
~ cumainn, member of a society.
~ cumainn, membership of a society.
~ cumainn, carthanais, sign of attachment, of friendship.
Comhcheangal le cumann, to affiliate with a society.
Cuma chothaithe, well-fed, plump, appearance.
cuma chroite air, he looks shaken.
Is cuma leis an óige gcroithfidh a cos, youth must have its fling.
Chuir cuma mhaith air, you gave it a good appearance.
as a chuma, it is out of shape.
Rud gan chuma, shapeless thing.
Níl ~ déanamh (caoi, craiceann, crot) air, it has neither shape nor form.
Chuir ~ eile air, you transformed it.
Chuir ~ bheag, ~í beaga, air, I added little finishing touches to it.
Chuir ~ na hoibre, na troda, air féin, he put on a workmanlike appearance, struck a fighting attitude.
~ óg, an linbh, an rógaire, air, he looks young, like a child, like a rogue.
~ mhaith, na maitheasa, orthu, they look good.
~ bheag, bhreoite, thuirseach, air, he has a poor, sickly, tired, appearance.
Cén chuma a bhfuil ? How are you?
~ ort go bhfuil gnóthach, you look busy.
~ fearthainne air, it looks like rain.
Cuir ~ (éigin) ort féin, look to your appearance, smarten yourself up.
an chuma sin air, so it seems.
de chuma air go, it looks as if.
2. Ar chuma ruda, in the manner of, like, sth.
Ar chuma an lae inniu, just like today.
Ar chuma éigin, somehow.
Ar aon chuma, ar chuma ar bith, at any rate.
Ar an g~ sin, in that respect.
Ar an g~ chéanna, similarly.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht