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uidhe2, m. (gs. ~, npl. ~adha, gpl. ~adh). Lit:1. March, journey. ~ lae, a days march. Ceann ~, journeys end. ~ ar n-~, by degrees. 2. Fixed period, term. ~ íoctha fiach, term for payment of debts. (Var: f)
uídh, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Lit: Heed, attention. Bíodh ar d’~ a aithris, take care to relate it. Tugaimis dár n-~ é, let us bear it in mind. Tabhair do d’~ an onóir seo a thabhairt uait, be sure to pay this honour. thug a mná ~ orthu, their wives took no notice of them. Tabhair do d’~ agus do daire é, keep it carefully in mind. 2. (In phrase) Gan ~ gan óidh, without worry, without effort. Táim gan ~ gan óidh, I havent a care in the world. gan ~ gan óidh é, it is no easy task. (Var: úidh, uidhe1)
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