uain1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. Opportune time, free time; occasion; opportunity. ~ a fháil ar rud a dhéanamh, to find time to do sth. Nuair a bhí ~ agam air, when I had time to do it. Ag fanacht leis an ~, waiting for the opportune moment. Níl ~ scíthe agam, I haven’t time to rest. Ag súil le h~ aithrí, hoping for time to repent. S.a. urla 1. 2. Interval of time; space, respite. I gceann na huaine sin, at the end of that time. Ba ghearr a h~ ar an saol, her span of life was short. Ní thabharfadh sé ~ lae dom, he wouldn’t give me a day’s respite. Iarr ~ air leis na fiacha a íoc, ask him for time to pay the debts. 3. Turn, spell. Is é m’~ é, it is my turn. Tá an ~ agam ort, my turn comes before yours. ~ cheárta, mhuilinn, turn to be served at the forge, at the mill. Tá siad ag baint ~e dá chéile, they are trying to take precedence over one another; they are vying with one another. 4. Weather, season. Bhí an ~ go hálainn, the weather was beautiful. 5. (Dative pl. form ~ibh used in phrase) Ar ~ibh, by turns; at times, occasionally.
uain2, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). Wave. ~ farraige, sea-wave. ~ bhriste, broken wave; chop. ~ gháire, ripple of laughter.
uain3. (In phrase) Ar ~ ar éigean = ar inn ar éigean :inn2.
uain4, m = uaithne2.
uain5 : uan1,2.
Bíonn uain ag na caoirigh san earrach, the sheep have lambs in the spring.
Tá na huain, na gamhna, ag ~, the lambs, calves, are frisking.
uain, lao, searraigh, lambing, calving, foaling.
Tá na huain ag cruthú maith go leor, the lambs are showing fair promise.
Uain ag damhsa, lambs frisking.
Le cúnamh Dé agus na ~e, God willing and the weather permitting.
Tá an chaora ag iompar uain, the sheep is in lamb.
~ uain, lamb’s lettuce, corn-salad.
~ ghorm, uaine, enteromorpha, green slime.
Uain ag ~, lambs sporting.
Ó uain ráithe, from three-month-old lambs.
1. ~ linbh, uain, éin, pet child, lamb, bird.
An ~ dearg, uaine, ómra, the red, green, amber, light.
Nuair a chuaigh comhaireamh ar na huain, when the lambs were counted.
~ lao, ~ searraigh, ~ uain, parturition (of cow, mare, sheep).
Gamhna, uain, ag ~, calves, lambs, frisking.
Bhí dath na h~ air, he was green in the face.
Breith ar an uain ar an ~, to take time by the forelock.